Harmony Returns To Equestria

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"Few. That was hard. I'm glad y'all are back. I'm sorry for what I said earlier." I said. "That's alright, sugar cube!!" Applejack smiles. I perform a spell. "Pinkie Pie always makes us giggle so she's Laughter!!!!" A blue balloon necklace appears around Pinkie's neck. "Ooohh shiiiinnnyyy!!!!!" Pinkie says and toys with it. "Twilight is always using her magic to save the day. She should be Magic!!!" A tiara with a pink star embedded in it appears on Twilight's head."Thank you Vanessa!!!" She says. "Applejack. She never tells a lie. She's Honesty." I say. "Thanks sugarcube!!" She says as an apple shaped necklace appears on her. "Rarity is always shares her gems to let Spikey Wikey eat them. She's Generosity!!" A purple gem necklace appears on her. "Why this is GORGEOUS, DAHHHLLLINNNGG!!!" she marvels. "Rainbow Dash has always Loyalty to her friends!!" A red lighting bolt necklace appears on Rainbow. "This is sooo AWESOME!!!" she says. "Fluttershy is sweet and so is the element of Kindness." A pink butterfly necklace appears on Fluttershy. "Why thank you Vanessa." She whispers. "Amanda always is very inspirational. She's my idol. She is the element of Inspiration." A pink microphone necklace is now on her. "Wow. I'm your idol?! You are sooo amazing and you are inspirational too!!!" Amanda says. "Kyle. You are always cool and slick. You are Swag." A boyish guitar pendent appears on Kyle. "Jamar. You are always full of Romance." A bass guitar pendent appears on Jamar. "Corey is always Fun!!" A blue drum kit pendent appears on Corey. "Oooooohhhhh!!!! Thank you Vanessa btw you are sexy as." Corey says."T-Ray is always funny too so he is the element of Humour." A red drumkit pendent appears on T-Ray. "Sam is the element of Coolness and Barry is Awesomeness." A guitar shaped pendent appears on both of the remaining guitarists. Suddenly a necklace appears on me. "This must be the most important element of all. This is what united us to come together and become who we are now: Flame and Cover Drive. This is the element of many ponies destiny. This is the final element I know of since Celestia said one would appear on me once everypony had their elements. This is the element of MUSIC!!!!!" My element is sooo pretty. It is a pink Cover Drive logo necklace. "They look like our cutie marks!!!" Sam says. "Oh yeah!!! They DO look like our cutie marks!!!" Pinkie says. We all float into a heartshape holding hoofs as a rainbow of light comes out of the Elements and defetes Discord, turning him to stone. "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" We bro hoof in happiness that Discord has now gone forever.

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