A Hard Day's Work

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Classes start at eight in the morning. As the bell rang, I made it to my seat in the section B classroom on time. My classroom was beside the stairs along the West Wing of the second floor. Our hallway is exclusively for sophomores only. There is a security stall on the entrance of our hallway. The hallways consist of our classrooms namely, 10-A, 10-B, 10-C, 10-D and lastly 10-E. And our hallway is located on the side of the campus so our view is right beside the trees.

At eight sharp, our teacher came. She was wearing a grey pencil skirt along with grey three-fourths sleeves with her hair in a neat bun. As she entered the room, she immediately got the chalk and wrote "Madame Adelo" in very curly cursive on the board. She introduced herself and the subject she will be teaching.

"Okay class, I'm Madame Adelo, your teacher for Heaven and Earth Science. Our topic today will be about how planet Earth can be adapted by any kinds of 'class'. Get your reading manuals and turn it to page 16"

Everyone brought out their manuals and Madame Adelo started discussing about how everyone can adapt to earth because it has some form of element called oxygen that can make us breathe.

She ended the discussion with a simple "and that is how everyone can easiky adapt to earth." and of course, she gave us homework about our next topic. At eight forty-five, we all greeted her with a goodbye as she left the classroom.

Five minutes passed and our next teacher arrived. She introduced herself with a smile on her face. Fallen Angel teachers have the same uniforms (same goes for the other classes but they wear it in a specified color to specify their class. Gray for fallen angels, Ecru for the elves and fairies etc)

"Hi. I am Madame Therelia and I am your teacher for Biology." She started introducing us to our lesson which is about cells. Not any kind of cell but we study the cell of a fallen angel. I think we will study the other cells of other classes in the latter part of our lesson. She dismissed us at around nine thirty.

The bell rang and it was recess. I went to my group of friends.. Remember the school rules about having one of each class in one group of friends? Yeah. I belong in one.. obviously.

Let me tell you about my group of friends. Each group of friends have a "name" or "title" so we are easily identified. We are called The Mactos. I'll expound on that later.

I ate with them during recess. At nine fifty-five, the bell rang again and everyone headed to their next class.

Our next subject was Health Education.. The class was divided into two groups. (we're forty-eight in section B). There are twenty-four in the First Group. They will be studying water survival. I am part of Group Two and were gonna learn flight support.

We all went to the school's sports coliseum. It's a big place full of sports materials, training rooms and class training areas. Group One went to the swimming area while Group Two went to the Flight Training room.

As we arrived in our respective rooms, we all grabbed a seat. Our teacher was Mr. Heaper. Wearing a grey dry-sweat shirt with jogging pants and rubber shoes. Basically, He just oriented us about what Flight education is all about.

"Flight Education is all about training. This will teach you how to tame your wings and control them with ease. If you dont have wings, I am pretty sure Fallen Angels have the ability to let something fly in that case."

The clock striked twelve and the bell rang. It's lunchtime!!! I ate lunch with my group in the cafeteria.. We shared stories and jokes while eating.. And of course, lunchtime doesn't last forever. The clock striked one fifteen. The bell rang and I headed to the classroom.

It's a Tuesday and our schedule in the afternoon is double period Origin Studies. ugh.

Our teacher entered the room with a gray coat and gray necktie. (it's always gray) He introduced himself. "Good Afternoon, I am Mr. Ludweigen and I will be teaching Origin Studies" he started teaching about the creation of the very first angel that had fallen from the sky.. it was pretty interesting. He discussed about how she became a brave woman with pure excellency until she fell in live with a human... which is also against the law back in the old times.. He ended the discussion with a goodbye at exactly two forty in the afternoon. The bell rang and it is finally time to go home.

While I was making my way to the school bus, I bumped on Finn.

"Oh hi! I'm sorry! I didn't see you there." I mean.. he is TALL. How can you not bump on a big guy.

he smiled and told me

"hey, it's okay.. where are you going?" 

"i'm going to the bus.. you know.. going home.."

"cool. I'm going there too!! wanna join me and my friends to the bus area?"

i shrugged and said "uhmm. sure.."

I met his friends. Daniel the Vampire, Elwood the Elf and Charlize the Fairy. We were all bus riders and going to the same destination.

Along the way, we were talking about how to tame a dragon and all those stuff they want to buy from the blacksmith's scoppe. (pronounced as shop). We all made it to the bus area and parted ways. Except for Finn and I since we go to the same bus.

The bus ride home took foreeevveeerr.. but Finn talked to me the whole time so it was pretty okay.

I arrived home at three thirty in the afternoon.

I came home to my brothers sound asleep inside their room.. I kissed them both in the forehead and went to my room after.

I do the same "going home" routine..

-change my clothes

-take a nap

-do homework

-do whatever you want

yes.. i do whatever I want after I do my homework.. it's a thing. Sometimes I try to test my powers where I can make something fly or at least levitate.. I tried making the pencil fly across the room.. i tried.. but ut didn't work. It's working progress..

My parents came home at seven thirty-two. Mom cooked dinner and we all ate pasta bolognese with baked potatoes. (organic food)

I changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth and went to bed hoping for a good day ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2013 ⏰

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