See You Again

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There it is, a big double story, white house with two trees ladled with pink blossoming flowers in front. Straight away I spotted out Fi's old curtains swaying in the breeze. I crossed the lawn to the open window and called her name, nothing happened. So I called it again, the next minute a face appears in the window, a guy's face. What? I hear chatter and then I see Fi join him in the window seel. "Lui?" As soon as she recognised me she started to freak out, I hear her door open and the guy's voice ringing after her. The wide front door opened and fi rushed out. She ran over to me and hugged me. "What are you doing here? How did you find my house? Come in."
I follow her eagerly through her house it was set up a lot like her old house, when we got to her room she closed the door behind us. That was when I met him. It was really awkward. I just stood there staring at him until fi stepped in front of me. "Lui this is Tyson.... Tyson this is Lui my best friend I told you about."
He put his hand out and I shook it wearily, and his hands practically screamed 'I've never had a day of manual labour,' I'm pretty sure my hands were more masculine then his.
"Lui this is... my boyfriend."
"You never told me you had a boyfriend!" I blurted out
You now, I had never even dreamt of having a love life or a boyfriend, I was too focused on, you know, surviving. And here Fi was in her perfect little world with a boyfriend a house and an amazing garden. While I was getting knives thrown at me in alleyways and digging up old veggie patches in hope of finding something.
"Lui you're so skinny! I'm going to get food for you!" and with that fi left the room. I hadn't really been concerned about what I looked like, as long as I was alive I guess that's all that matters. A long silence followed after Fi's footsteps vanished down the hallway until he decided to cease the awkwardness of me staring around the room at everything but him.

"So... are you...a blighter?" he asked nervously
"I hate that word, don't call me that!"
"Um sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, I just, that's what they call you and all your... friends."
"Out there no one is my friend, its stay alive and think about your priorities before anyone else's, even if that does mean by force. Oh and you should hear what people call you. I can give you a list right now. Your backstabbing c......"
"I have some food for you Lui, is everything alright in here?"
"Everything is just fine." Tyson replied hurriedly.
"Okay I have some biscuits, some tea, and some bread and butter."
Before I know it I'm gorging myself with biscuits and tea, I hadn't had something hot in a long time and it was amazing. Fi and I talked and talked, Tyson just sat in a corner listening. Once or twice he tried to add something to our conversation but I death stared him so much that buy the end of our convo he was just sitting on his phone. It was on the verge of sunset as I told them I had to go back home. Fi wasn't very willing but she knew that I had to. As I made my way back to the colourful wall I stood and starred at its artwork for a bit. It was so beautiful and colourful. As I slipped through the crack again I turned to make sure there was no one in sight.

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