Chapter 5

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He then stared at me and I couldn't help but to stare at him back.

I have a feeling that I met him somewhere. Baekhyun suddenltly tilted his head and he looks at me.

"We have to go.." Baekhyun said and I frowned.


"Yeah.. WE have to go.." Baekhyun said re-emphasised, and I blinked to him. Baekhyun then sigh loudly and grabbed both of shoulders. I look at both of his hands who was gripping alittle on my shoulder.

"Hmm.." I said and awkwardly look at him.

"Do you trust me?" Baekhyun asked and I gave him a weird look.

"Well... since you save my cup of noodles so yeah." I said and smile sheepishly and Baekhyun looks at me weirdly.

"You're weird." Baekhyun mumbled and I caught him because I read his lips.

"Hey I hear-- Woah." I was about to say something but Baekhyun suddenlty hugged me and I was frozen in the spot. After a few minutes, he pull back and I was about to say something but something caught me..


I said and look around. We were outside minutes ago but now we are somewhere, in someones house.

I look towards Baekhyun who was smiling but his face was sad.

"You!?! Are you?!?"

I said and gasp loudly.


I yelled and Baekhyun's face fell into a straight face.

"V-vampire?" Baekhyun asked and I nodded.

"Oh! Are you one of the Cullens?!?" I said and I felt someones presence behind me.

"Oh, yes we are. But I am a Jacob fan." Someone said.

"I thought you are Team Edward!"

"Well I am team Bella."

There were more of them but they were arguing about ... Twilight.. They seem to ignore my presence though.


Someone shouted and all of them stared at the person. All of them
then stood behind Baekhhyun. The guy who shouted walk towards me, and he leaned near me.

"Are you.. Are you also a Team Rosalie too?" He whispered and I blink.

"Yes!" I said and his face who was serious a minutes ago, turn into a big smile!

"GREAT! Me too! I think we are going to be great friends! My name is Suho by the way." Suho said and puts his hand infront of me and I gladly shake his hand.


All of them then introduced themselves.

"So you guys are vampires?" I asked and all of them looks at each other.

"Y-yeah.. Sort of.." Kai said and I nodded.

"You are not scared of us?" Kyungsoo asked and I shake my head.

"N-no." I said and look at them in a matter of fact.

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