Chapter 1 - Overexposed, Never Again

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The world changes with love, because you are different, you change too, you change because you finally know who you are. You must know who you are so you can find who you love.


Graham had walked away to put away the compress he used to heal Emma's wound. And has he turned back he found her; he found her starring him very seriously, but so beautiful that it could just stop his breath. And so it did, it stopped, letting him contemplate how beautiful she was. Graham just now realized that he always found Emma quite amazing; actually quite irresistible. So on that frozen moment he stared her, contemplating every part of Emma: her face, frozen in the moment; the lips, rigid almost like untouched in a long time and her curls falling into those beautiful white shoulders of her… Such an image lighted a beginning of a smile on this brave huntsman's face. But then his breath came back and so did reality but he just could not stop wondering what, in that moment, she'd be seeing in him that was so important… "What…" he asked, asked softly and slightly confused.

Emma smiled shyly, though it felt more of a sigh, and then she gain the courage that was missing all along, as she rose from the desk on Graham's way, walking slowly and hesitating, like a bride towards the altar. So, once they met Emma paused… glancing him, passionately as her breath was taking his away... and then, she finally kissed him.

They just gave in, and embraced each other on a soft and passionate kiss,as he grabbed her waist she hold on to him.

But all of a sudden a rush of feelings pushed Graham away from Emma; it was a rumble of memories that started to come into place. And then, it all made sense… he knew. Finally he could understand what was going on, what had happened to him…

But Emma could not understand what had happened to Graham, she didn't experience that beautiful moment of enlightening; she was scared fearing for him; "Graham…?"she called, "I remember…" he answered thrilled. But Graham wasn't just thrilled, he felt glorious in a way he had never felt before. It was like a light had lit up in him turning everything brighter, like he was born again. For the first time in so long he knew what he wanted and could feel it in his bones, it was a rapturous feeling: it was love, true love. And all because of Emma, she was the light in him that made him live again. Yes he knew what he wanted, he wanted her; he wanted Emma, he loved her. She was his heart, his love, his seek for what was missing, yet she seemed to be there all along but he hadn't found her until then… He hadn't found himself until he found his love. You can't find yourself until you've found your heart; your heart tells who you are and like the key to a volt, only the true one fits.

"Remember what…?" Emma asked confused and lost, she couldn't share that feeling of fullness, that amazing and thrilling sensation. ´

"Thank you", he said with his eyes shining like stars in the night and Emma just lost herself while contemplating them, completely mesmerized, smiling. She couldn't even rationalize why she was responsible for anything, because those eyes of him were so mesmerizing that they could keep her captive for hours, just contemplating them.

Then on this enchanting moment Graham leaned over Emma, both of them could hear the drum beats preceding what was yet to come… And when Graham hold her face she knew it was Love too. Love like she hadn't experienced in years and it felt thrilling and vibrating, having all of those emotions going through her body just at once. Everything was just perfect, she couldn't wait for that kiss anymore she needed love; she had waited far too long… So they leaned, more and more. And as their noses met and their lips were only an inch away, she just let herself go. She crushed down all the walls, giving in like never before. There were no more walls, just ruts grabbing on to the feelings, and it was so good to feel loved back!

She finally would have her happy ending, and all in such brief moments. But then, just as fast as that, Graham felt this extreme pain squeezing his heart in to dust and he just fell in to the ground grabbing his chest…

And almost as if it was physics Emma drooped towards Graham like gravity, grabbing him like a castaway holding on a float. "Graham!" she screamed in the hope that he would listen to her but with no effect, so she called him again and yet nothing; his breath was gone, he wasn't warm anymore, the pulse had vanished like there was no heart, he wasn't holding her on his arms anymore… Yet she kept holding him in the hope of nothing, crying and sobbing….

"Why, why…" she kept asking herself in her mind, but there was no answer. So Emma did what she only could and called the 911 asking for an ambulance "Sh…Sheriff… Graham is dead….he… he's dead here in the police station…"Emma just hung up the phone as she bursted into a river of tears, she could not believe those words had just come from her mouth. So she hold on to him for as long as she could until the firemen had to drag her away from him.

But he didn't want to let him go, she didn't want to recognize Graham was gone and had left her, she didn't want to be alone, to be left alone….So before they she left him, Emma grabbed him one last time… And out of madness, rubbing the border with belief, she kissed him in hopes of seeing his eyes open again, yet so close to believing and nothing… And suddenly Emma was violently pulled away from Graham, as she called Graham's name in the hope of nothing and bursted into tears once more.

Emma fought those unknown arms violently but with no effort… and then, she saw herself on the reflex of a window. But it couldn't be her that women on the reflex was a broken-hearted women, invaded by madness; wildly struggling in a fireman's arms, crying… She could see on the woman's face that she was hurt; she was full of ruts ripped from her heart, leaving it to bleed, she could see the scars on her, exposed… hurt over and over, a loner… Emma then recognized herself, but I wasn't Emma Swan the strong and confident women, she was changed because she loved, hurt because she had roots, insane because she let her guard down… Then Emma stopped fighting the fireman and calmly walked away into a corner, she wouldn't let her ever be the women in reflex again…

While Emma reflected disappointed at herself she saw, Graham being fit into a black bag, like garbage, some squirrel that crossed the road at the wrong time... Almost as he's life was meaningless enough to fit a bag, as he had to be hidden shamefully. But there was no shame in him, he did nothing wrong, nothing to be ashamed of, he did everything right, he was a good man; he made her believe even that for just a second… Emma couldn't look anymore, it was degrading, she could only hid on that corner, "I'm the one to be ashamed" she thought.

"Oh! Emma, dear, it's ok I'm here for you." said a heavenly voice, it was Mary Margaret's. But Emma didn't know how to response so she just fell into her friend's arms and started sobbing once more… Even though she controlled herself before, she couldn't resist the fatal touch of love; family that she never had, her weakness…"Oh honey, it's all going to be alright" said Mary Margaret constantly while hugging her friend in need, the only family she had.

As she comforted her friend, Mary Margaret couldn't stop feeling guilty for telling her to put down her walls, so she just what she knew and comforted her, as a mother to her child.


Calm, what is calm, what can it mean, what does it mean anyway? What's the definition of calm, is it to be passive, or just try not to worry? Am I supposed not to care, never to feel? Maybe the Beatles were right and we should just let it be… But we can't be calm forever, when is it enough, when is it too dangerous to be calm and we must rebel?... When should we stop letting it be?

Am I insane to worry, to cry, to freak?

Please reviewing, it's very important to have your opinion. (:

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