Episode 4: Secrets in all sizes

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Takashi was exhausted from the water fight but he still had fun. He decided to take a break and took a nap on the beach. It was probably only a few minutes that he was sleeping but when he woke up Maki was sitting beside him with her shell pointed at his face.
Maki: Move and you'll be dead in an instant punk.
Her voice was definitely different from the way she was before, more serious and deeper.
Takashi: It's crazy that I saw something like this coming.
Maki: So is telling the future part of your powers?
Takashi: No, just good perception.
Maki: Whatever punk. I just wanted to talk while the girls were away.
Takashi: About what?
Maki: Akeno, you know already that we don't trust her boss.
Takashi: I heard.
Maki: This whole arrangement of you marrying her only made things more suspicious.
Takashi: Why?
Maki: Let's face it, if he was gonna say you needed to get married to a mermaid still he wouldn't have bothered checking out your powers and technically it was still a Seto family matter but he gave up his most powerful guard instead.
Takashi: He got too involved for there to not be an ulterior motive.
Maki: Yeah, I'm not saying Akeno is aware of this. Ren actually trusts her a lot more than Yoshino.
Takashi: But sleep with one eye open.
Maki: You catch on quick sea louse.
Takashi: It's a good skill to have.
Maki: But just so you know I'm also here to protect Sun so try anything and-
Takashi: You'll pump me full of holes. I've seen a lot of gang movies so I know how this works.
Sun: Maki! Takashi! We're back.
They were up on the shore still in mermaid form so Takashi went down and pulled them out. He grabbed a towel and began drying their legs, starting with Akeno.
Takashi: So where did you go?
Akeno: We had a test of speed in which I was victorious.
Sun: We raced around the island but Akeno has training to be as strong as she is.
Akeno: It was a close race.
Akeno's legs were dry so they returned to human legs and then Takashi moved to drying off Sun.
Akeno: I'd say I'm ready to go now.
Sun: Yeah it'll be getting dark soon.
Takashi: Wasn't there supposed to be a festival tonight?
Akeno: Yeah I think so.
Sun: We should all go!
Maki: Don't forget about me!
Takashi: Well what could go wrong.
Takashi finished drying Sun's legs and she called the boat back to take them. They went their separate ways, Akeno went with Sun since she had no other place to live at the time and Takashi went back to his family. It was a fun day overall but Maki's words made him uneasy, mostly because they made sense. Could their be a bigger reason to all this? The face of his new friend might be someone ready to stab him in the back at a moments notice and for what? So many questions and no answers. At this point he was just going to have to deal with it later because it was time for the festival. Takashi waited out side the town shrine. There were stands selling a wide variety of food and snacks, some had games and gifts of some kind and it was packed with people. Akeno and Sun arrived within minutes dressed in traditional kimonos which looked good on them so Takashi couldn't help but stare, especially at Akeno.
Akeno: Is something wrong?
Takashi: Huh, what?
Sun: Welcome back Takashi. Your eyes were really locked on Akeno.
Takashi: N-no they weren't!!
Sun: You can gawk at her later. Let's get this festival started!
They nodded in agreement and started the fun. As they explored the festival Sun led the charge going from stand to stand of delicious food. It was delicious to the girls however, for some reason everything Takashi ate had something that definitely didn't belong, for the most part, loaded guns. It was also noticed that all the stand owners were Seto family grunts.
Takashi: Hey Sun.
Sun: What's up?
Sun: I don't know but they do tend to run the fair every year.
Akeno: It's probably because of how you stood up to their boss. He might want revenge for the disrespect.
Takashi: If he wants payback he can go toe to toe wit me right now and I'll put him to shame even more!
Takashi: YOU HEARD ME YOU OLD JACKASS!!! Wait, when did you get here?
Ren: We just arrived so how are you guys enjoying the festival?
Sun: All the stands are feeding Takashi guns but other than that it's really fun.
Akeno: The festivities are enjoyable.
Takashi: Can I eat something that's actually meant to be eaten?
Gozaburo: HOW ABOUT LEAD!!!
Ren: Both of you stop! Gozaburo, tell the men to treat Takashi like any other customer. Takashi, go enjoy the festival with your bride.
Takashi and Gozaburo: Fine.
Akeno: Glad to see things clear up.
Takashi and Akeno went alone for now playing games and winning prizes. The stand owners cheap tricks were no match for the two of their impressive skills and they were loaded with toys, and other prizes. With everything explored they sat in front of the shrine. Takashi was thinking about how much fun he had but then the words of Maki rang through his head which made him upset and his face showed it.
Akeno: Is their something wrong?
Takashi: No, nothing.
She decided to stay quiet since it was clear that he didn't want to discuss anything. His silence made Akeno feel uneasy. She knew something was wrong but she couldn't tell what although she knew it could be many things. But this was supposed to be a festival and Takashi had already given her so much in a short amount of time. The most she could do was find a way to calm him down, so she took his hand.
Takashi: What are you doing Akeno?
Akeno: I believe it's customary to hold your partner's hand in times when they feel uneasy.
Takashi: Thanks but really, I'm fine.
Akeno: Then you shouldn't mind right?
Takashi: I guess not.
It became a moment where the two of them thought that maybe this arrangement wasn't so bad. And then the fireworks came splashing bright colors over their heads. They were stunned in its beauty with smiles on their face and with the end of the fireworks came the end of the festival. The next day it was time to say goodbye. Takashi and his family packed everything they had and went to the train station and Akeno and Sun.
Akeno: So you're heading home.
Takashi: Yep, it was nice spending time with you two.
Sun: It was, hope to see you again really soon. You too Takashi's parents.
Mom: Oh of course Sun, Akeno.
Dad: Come by for a visit anytime.
With that they said their farewells and Takashi watched as they disappeared from his site as he rode the train back home. With summer vacation coming close to an end the only thing left was enjoy the time he had in his room at home. He was enjoying his peace until his mother called him downstairs so he went down.
Takashi: What is it mom?
Mom: Can you get the door? I'm cooking.
Takashi: Sure.
He walked to the front door to answer whoever was knocking on the door. Then he opened it.
Akeno: Good morning Takashi.
Sun: Hey.

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