Chapter Two | Three Musketeers

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Trust is hard to come by. That's why my circle is small and tight. I'm kind of funny about making new friends. - Eminem 

It was a miracle Jag and I had even got Archer in my house before dad started asking questions, because how could I explain to my father that we'd just found a high school star quarterback half naked, bleeding and bruised at an illegal fight night that the gang that ran town held occasionally?

Was it even worth explaining? No.

The car ride home had been tense, a little too silent, but Archer had seemed to calm down in the drive back to my place. 

At least I hoped. His eyes didn't hold that painful rage anymore, but that might just mean he was skilled at hiding it. He hadn't said a word when we pulled up in my driveway, or while we walked towards the front door, but I was just going to ignore his silence for now.

A silent Archer was better than a raging Archer.

So while Jag distracted dad, I ushered Archer upstairs to my room, walking quickly but lightly. Jag appeared behind me a couple seconds later, a small grin on his face which I knew meant he was enjoying the shit out of this, but know was not the time to question his mental state.

"Is that curry I smell?" Archer whispered as we reached the middle step. I frowned, sniffing the air too, a pugnent, spicy smell wafting through my nostrils and making me cringe internally.

Jag snorted. "I don't even think that curry knows its curry."

"Let's just get upstairs, we'll have plenty of time up there to discuss whether that curry is edible or not later." I hissed, reinforcing my words by fastening my pace up the stairs, hoping to God that Harlow was still out or didn't hear us. 

We were hurrying, but I thought we had been quiet, getting up the stairs. Three guys rushing upwards wasn't really the quietest thing, I get that, but we'd gone well until the last couple steps. 


Oh, shit.

"What the fuc-" Harlow and Sophie looked as though they were about to die of brain combustion, how their faces where screwed into frowns and their mouths dropped open in shock and confusion. 

"I'll explain later," I heard the words fall out of my mouth, coming out all in one breath. Giving Archer's bare back a shove towards my closed bedroom door, I glanced over at my sister and Sophie again. "Oh, this is Archer by the way." 

Archer turned his upper body, grinned even though that lip of his cracked a little more, and waved in the direction of the two stunned girls. "Nice to meet you."

"Ah...likewise." Harlow frowned, turning to share a look with Sophie again. "Can I ask why you're bleeding? And half naked?"

I heard the assholes voice before I even had time to open my mouth. "Well that would require a lengthly explanation." Jake smirked, "And we'd really love to sit around and chat, but-"

"We kind of have to get him cleaned up." I cut in, sharing one last glance with my sister, before Jag elbowed me in the ribs, fuck him, and we bowled into my room, the door closing hard without one second of hesitation.

And then everything was silent again.

"Okay," Jag clapped his hands together, his dark, brooding eyes flicking between Archer and I, who had taken up residence on my bed. "What the fuck do we do now?" 

"I thought the whole reason you brought me back here was to clean me up..." Archer trailed off, and I almost cursed, kicking slightly at my desk chair. 

I didn't even know where the first aid kit was. 

"Alright, Jag, will you go hunt around in the bathroom for the first aid kit? I'll find Archer some clothes." I sighed, rubbing a hand through my hair. Jag shrugged, opening my bedroom door again before disappearing behind it, and I was left in the silence while I rifled around in my drawers for some clothes. 

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