dear mingyu

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Dear Mingyu,

hello. i guess its been years since i talk to you. i know you didn't want to talk to me and stuff but i rly rly rly need to tell you everything.

Firstly, i want to ask you something. why did you want me to forget about you? why did you want to me to stay away from you? what did i do to you? Can you explain it to me?

Secondly, why did you keep breaking our promises? why did u make promises in the first place when you can't even fulfill it? why.....?

Lastly, i just want to say that i miss how close we are. i miss your smile and your silly jokes that never fails to make me laugh and i miss your nasty hands hehe.

oh and

mingyu, i cannot lie about my feelings anymore so i'm going to tell you that i sincerely love you. Eventhough you hate me, at least i finally said my true feelings.

thank you for ruining and changing my life at the same time :).

-from your childhood friend,

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