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Rowan felt something straining her neck. It hurt quite bad. Slowly, Emerald Ash disappeared and the sounds of running and panting reached her ears. She was being carried. She forced her lolling head to stay still. "Why am I being carried?" She managed to croak.

"She's coming to!" Haider's voice sounded relieved. He gently hefted her off his shoulder, taking care not to hurt her head and propped her on a tree.  "I was really worried."

"Indeed," Jack came up, taking the pause in their running to check the wrappings on Rowan's leg. "You bled quite a bit before we got you to safety. The chimes and other toys were worried you might die."

"What... How long was I out?!"

Anne sniffed loudly, trying to hold back tears. She gripped the handle of the baseball bat, letting her anger out that way. "Almost seven hours. Oh, I was so worried!"

Rowan's mind raced. Bad idea. A pounding headache was the result. "What happened? Why are we running?"

Haider and Jack looked back and forth between each other, concerned. Anne, trying her best not to cry in relief, answered. "We got to the survivors. They patched you up but... They refused to help us. They said it was our fault the shadows were attacking them in the first place."

"Took them a bit of convincing to even help you," Jack said reluctantly. "Some thought letting you die or even leaving you out as bait would be a better option. Phe!" He huffed spitefully. "We've been at war longer than you've been alive. They only complain because for once it actually affected them."

Rowan's eyes glazed over momentarily. They wanted her to die?

Haider sensed her unease, and changed the subject. "Speaking of being affected..." He put a hand on Rowan's shoulder. "We were all hit with arrows, the smaller one at least. But you're the only one that was poisoned. Any idea why?"

Rowan nodded, wincing at the pain. "He, he talked to me in my dream."

Haider grumbled under his breath. "They use their venom as messaging systems sometimes... What did he say?"

"He told me to tell you that we needed to face Dieserair at Welder's Drop."

At that, Haider's eyes went wide. "Oh, go-" he sank down on the tree near to her, face in his hands.

"He said you appreciate the genius."

"I'd appreciate it more if it had come from any other source." He looked up at Anne and Rowan's confused looks and sighed. "Welder's drop is a bottom chasm of sorts, the seat of Dieserair's power. But it's riddled with weak cliffs and rope bridges, so it very much levels out the playing field." He frowned deeply. "This has to be a trap. Emerald Ash Borer serves the shadows."

Anne shook her head. "He serves himself. He just wants to have power. He could of just killed us earlier if that was his plan."

Rowan groaned, remembering. "Doesn't matter whether we trust him or not, he'll kill us all eventually if we don't go. He vowed to kill you- us if we didn't do as he said."

Haider sighed. "Well that's reassuring."

Jack looked around. "While I am glad we are all caught up, we might need to move."

"Why?" Rowan groaned. Moving sounded awful.

Jack motioned for Haider to help Rowan up. Which he did, much to Rowan's distress. "Because," Jack looked over his shoulder. "Even with just glancing about I can see Shifters. All expect..." He pointed to a clearing a little ways ahead. "That way."

Records of the Forest (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now