Chapter Six

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A/N: I find that I'm mostly eating when I write.




Robin watched as the woman called Hippolyta tilted her head in surprise at Kima's words. She stared at the three for a while before letting out a light giggle, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Why, Kima, these are just a few stray humans," she said in between laughs, furrowing her brows at the blonde woman.

"But- I just- they were- I."

"It doesn't matter where you found them, can't you see how innocent they are. Especially the little one with the freckles." The maroon-haired woman turned towards Eriol, giving him one of her many smiles. "What's your name, youngling?" 

"My name's Eriol!" he responded jubilantly, rather happy about the fact that they were not accused of being criminals and whatnot.

"What a nice name for such a handsome youngling," she said softly, ruffling his strawberry blonde hair with her tan hand.

Kima let out a sigh of distress at the beautiful woman's actions, becoming slightly vexed at the fact that she did not believe what she was trying to tell her.

Robin and Ronnie stayed silent until Hippolyta stopped continuously complimenting their twelve-year-old friend. Neither of them really cared about what was going on, but they were getting rather impatient. The two of them didn't really know what they were to do after this. They didn't exactly expect to find a whole civilization in the middle of what they thought were unexplored woods behind some sort of random paradox-bush, but that's exactly what they did.

"Anyways," Hippolyta spoke, meeting Robin's eyes with her own golden ones, "I assume you two are not exactly sure why you are here."

Ronnie nodded in agreement as Robin let out a little 'yes ma'am.'

"Well, I really am disdained to say this, but nor do I. You need a place to stay, though, do you not?"

Eriol responded for them this time, nodding his head rapidly with a smile still on his face.

"You can stay at camp for a while, if you like. I am not sure how the others will feel about three humans staying here, but I am sure that Kima will keep you company."

Said woman let out a groan, nodding her head forwards, letting her ears show once more. She gave Hippolyta what looked like a light glare before beckoning the three males out the door.

"I have to visit Anumik quickly. You can come with me if you'd prefer," she spoke, turning left as she stepped out the door.

As the three male's followed, they were met with multiple stares from what seemed as a large crowd of women. Not a single man was found, and Robin wondered why. Their gazes followed the three as they trailed behind Kima like lost puppies. 

"Why are there only women in the village?" Ronnie asked suddenly, gaining Kima's attention.

"There is no such thing as men within my race. That is something you three will have to adjust to during your time here."

Eriol suddenly began speaking again, voicing his immense curiosity. "If you're all girls then how do you-"


The twelve-year-old let out a small humph, crossing his arms in a pout, and he stayed that way until Kima abruptly stopped in front of a large wooden building. A few ominous roars were heard, and they made Robin jump the first few times.

Kima opened the door, walking in before the boys. They headed behind her as she led them down a dimly lit hallway with a dirt floor. They came to another section and were greeted by an amazing sight, as well as the open air and sky.

There, in multiple pens of different sizes, were a multitude of dragons that varied from stature to color, and even roar. Robin had never known that there were this many dragons, and he never expected he'd really find out either.

The three watched as Kima headed towards a rather large pen, coming face to face with a dark purple and black dragon. The creature had two large spikes jutting out of its shoulder blades and near the start of its tail, as well as two horns that were aligned on the back of its head. Two large teeth were exposed from its lip, which it bared proudly at the sight of Kima.

"Anumik!" she softly cried, grabbing the dragon by the sides of its face. She lightly kissed its nose, allowing it to nudge her softly back. "This," she said happily, turning towards the three humans in her presence, "is my dragon, Anumik. We would appreciate it if you would treat her well."

Robin was still completely shell-shocked at the sight before him, as were Eriol and Ronnie. He could hear as the eldest male let a gasp out, feeling the same emotions as he. 

"This is-" he paused, blinking his eyes a few times, "this is amazing!"

Kima nodded in agreement at his words, beckoning him forward towards her dragon. She led his hand to her snout, allowing him to lightly pet her.

"She likes you!" she told him with a hint of surprise in her voice. 

"Is that surprising?" Ronnie asked her, tilting his head to the side a bit.

"It actually is. She really only likes Yoshii and I."

Eriol was paying no mind to the scene before him as he wandered around the stables a bit. He stopped in front of a rather small dragon with what seemed as fur instead of scales. The fur itself was rather long, and it gave the dragon a cute look. Two spiraled horns were atop its head, as well as one on the tip of its nose.

The small creature tilted its head at the sight of the boy, jumping up from its spot on the floor and rushing up to the fence that blocked it from Eriol. The boy let out a little 'awww' at the dragon's antics, reaching over to pet it atop the head.

"That's Rumi," Kima told him, coming up beside him, "she's a real lover."

"She's adorable," Robin told her, watching as Eriol nodded. 

Maybe they could stay for a while.

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