Chapter Fourteen

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This chapter might not turn out as I intended it to...

Some stuff is going on right now, but I'm pushing through.

I also want to let you guys know that this chapter has some slight..."gore"...if you can even call it that. Mentions of blood and all, I guess.



If someone, a few days ago, had told Robin that he would be experiencing what he was at that particular moment on that particular day, he probably would've just laughed it off as some silly joke and went on his way. Yet, there he was, struggling to cope with the scene before him. He couldn't tell whether he wanted to scream or to burst out into tears, though he was sure he was on the verge of both.

The dragon stood in the middle of the clearing, his tail swinging back and forth. His multiple eyes seemed to have an evil glint reflecting into them, staring around in sadistic satisfaction.

The one thing that made Robin want to scream wasn't the dragon himself, though. It was specifically what he was holding between his rows of yellowed, sharp teeth.

Dripping red down his jaw sat a forearm, moreover, Ronnie's forearm.

Robin wasn't sure where the rest of his body was, but one thing he knew was that he was silently praying to whoever was out there that the male was okay. His eyes darted around, quickly spotting Ronnie feet away from him. He let out a choked sob, placing his hand over his mouth as he saw what was left of the teen's arm; a mangled stump.

He looked to the dragon, who seemed to be retreating back to his spot in the forest. Though, before the creature had fully disappeared, a cloud of smoke erupted from his snout. It resembled a face, and a rather creepy looking one at that. With horns perched atop the head, the smoke snarled at him before evaporating into the air.

Robin began to drag himself over to Ronnie, a small tear escaping as he inspected the male. "Ronnie?" he whispered, placing a hand on his forehead.

Ronnie made no movements, nor any noises. Thankfully, his chest was still rising and falling, albeit a bit slowly. Robin scoured the rest of the area, spotting everyone else.

Sinda had a long cut running across her face, something that would definitely scar. Kima seemed to be alright, with the exception of a few scratches on her arm. Lamia was slouched against a tree, clearly breathing heavily.

The fairies were huddled together near a bush, each of them seeming to be conscious. As Yoshii spotted Robin, he quickly fluttered over to him, Nikolai following close. Though, of course, Robin had to be proven wrong.

The pink haired fairy was struggling to fly, the cause being a certain black haired fairy that showed no promise of waking. Robin watched as Yoshii paused, picking up Adelram's feet and placing him softly in the grass before Robin.

"He was knocked against a tree," Yoshii murmured, looking devastated. Robin saw that Yoshii refused to look at Ronnie, knowing full well that the fairy must've seen something he never wanted to. "I-I'm not sure what to do..."

Robin gave the brunette a small nod, picking up Adelram softly, allowing him to lay in his hands. As he began to speak, he was caught off guard by the rising form of Kima. The blonde's face brightened a bit as she caught sight of him, stumbling to get up and walk over.

As she made her way over, she crouched before him, staring him in the eye. "Robin, I want you to take the fairies to Oberon. Head west and continue going straight, you'll know his house when you see it. I'm going to take Ronnie to get help, but I promise I will come back for you. Stay with him until then."

Robin's eyes widened as she spoke, glancing over at Ronnie. He willed the sight out of his mind, his head turning back towards Kima. "What about Adelram?"

Kima averted her eyes down to the fairy, furrowing her brows. "Oberon will know what to do," she spoke, her voice shaky. Robin could tell something was up, yet he nodded anyway. He struggled to stand, acquiring the help of the Dragon Rider.

The blonde gestured for him to go, whipping her head to the side as echoing footsteps resounded through the forest. "Run!"

Robin nodded quickly, scooping up all three of the fairies and running as fast as possible.


The male's pale hand rapidly knocked upon the dark wooden door. His eyes were darting around at the scenery behind him, checking for the possible pounding footsteps of the men chasing him.

A few loud shouts of "I'm coming!" were heard on the other side of the door that was soon becoming unhinged. The wooden board was rattled a few times before it was opened, and the boy was faced with an unexpected surprise.

The man, whom he had earlier learned was called Oberon, was fairly short in stature, though he was not at all built according to his height. His muscles were clearly evident through the old brown shirt he wore, and though he wasn't the tall in the slightest, he was scarier than any man Robin had encountered before.

"Whadda ya need, kid?" He muttered, scratching at his beard a few times.

"I-I, um-" Robin stumbled over his words a few times, trying to find out what exactly to tell the man.

"Spit it out already, I don't got all day!" the short man shouted getting slightly red in the face.

"My-my name is Robin, and um, I was tol-told that you could help me." The statement seemed more like a question to Robin, though he couldn't help but eagerly await the man's response.

"Ah, Robin," the man gave a small smile in return, completely erasing any anger that he felt, "Hermia and I have been expecting you."

Robin let out a small breath of surprise, hugging the fairies to himself as Oberon let him in. "Thank you," Robin murmured, eyes catching sight of a young woman with crystal blue hair cascading down her back. She sent him a bright, carefree smile as she made her way over.

"You must be Robin," she spoke, placing her hands on his shoulders. She glanced down at the fairies, her features changing into that of worry. "What happened?"

"They were attacked," Oberon stated, closing the door and walking up to the tall woman. "Basilisk."

Hermia covered her mouth, her brows furrowed. "Oh my goodness, they must need assistance!" She scurried through a long hallway, beckoning Robin forward. "Please, let me help."




I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter...


Happy Reading,


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