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•Hello so I want to try and make a story on here! I hope you like it. Follow my Instagram dolan1999twins!

Your POV

Its a hot summers morning in New Jersey.
It's only one week left of school before you leave for the summer!

I can hear my alarm going off and I smack it a million times trying to hit the snooze button. I ended up knocking my phone off my bedside table.

"Great, now I have to get up" I groaned.

I picked my phone off the floor, turned my alarm off and headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face like I always do every morning.
I headed back to my bedroom and made my bed.
I sat on the floor in front of my big mirror.
I put my hair in two French braids and done my usual makeup. Mascara,concealer winged eyeliner and lip balm. Nothing special. I put on some shorts an black top and a flannel shirt because it was pretty warm

I headed down stairs into my kitchen and grabbed myself a cereal bar because I couldn't be bothered to make myself anything.

"Morning sweetie!" My mom said as she walked into the kitchen

"Morning mom!" I replied
"Where's dad?"

"He's already gone to work honey" she said.

"Oh okay"
"I'm gonna head off to school now anyway. I love you!" I said waving goodbye as I walked to the front door.

"Bye sweetie, I love you too!"

I stood at the bus stop waiting for it to arrive.  It always takes forever.

•10 minutes later•
The bus has finally arrived

I get on and sit next to my Best Friend, Candi.

"Oh hey I didn't see you there" Candi said while taking out here earphones.

"Hey you okay?" I said

"Yeah, I'm good. What about you?" Candi replied

"I'm good thanks"

I saw the two twins Ethan and Grayson get on the bus.

Graysons POV

So I walked down the aisle of the bus and sat down in a seat. Ethan sat down next to me like usual.

"Gray, wanna make a bet?" Ethan says.

"Okay...?" I replied questioning him.

"I bet that you can't make that girl there fall in love with you." He said pointing to a girl a few seats down from us.

"What do I get if I can do it?" I asked Ethan.

"Err, my new longboard." He replied.

"Pffft. Easy" I said back laughing.

About 15 minutes later we arrive at prison aka school.

I walk off the bus and go to my locker. I get all my stuff out that I need for the day and close it. As I turned around I saw the girl from the bus with a few of her friends.
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled at me. I smiled back to keep going along with this act.

Your POV
So I walked into the canteen and found some of my friends that were in the same class as me. I don't have a lot of friends but I'm grateful for the ones I do have. We were walking down the hallway and I saw Grayson standing at his locker looking at me. He smiled at me. Wow that's the first time ever done that.

"Did he just smile at you?" Josie asked.

"Yeah... He did." I said back quietly.

The bell rung which meant we had to get to our classes.
I had biology first. Fun! Not.
I walked into the classroom and slumped into my seat. All I kept picturing in my head was Grayson smiling at me.

"Emily" the teacher called out my name for the register.

"Yeah" I said back loudly so he could hear me over all the talking.

So sir was done taking the register and he said that he was setting us a project to do outside of school.
He was calling out the names of our partners.

"These are your partners that you will be working with on this project. I have made my decision and I'm not changing it!
Jackie and Tommy
Candi and Ethan
Sophie and Jack
Jasmine and Billy
And Emily and Grayson.
You will have to go to one another's house to get these projects done."

Did he really just say that I was working with Grayson? Great.

Graysons POV

Jackpot. I can easily get her to fall in love with me now. I walked over to her and sat down next to her.

"What do you want?" She said to me with a rude tone in her voice

"That's not a very nice way to talk to your project partner is it?" I said back o her.

"I really don't care" she said

What was wrong with her? Girls are usually drooling over me when I talk to them. But not this ones different. Very different.

"Emily's a really nice name you know. It suits you well." I said trying to make her blush.
It didn't work.

"Can we just get this project over with?" She snapped back

"Okay. Okay."  I put my hands in the air.
"I'll come to your house after school" I said to her.

"You can come over around 4.30." She said not even looking at me. 

Well this is going to be hard.

Emily's POV
I really couldn't care less that I was working with Grayson. Any other girl would have been all over him but I just see him as a normal person. I've been hurt by boys before. That's why I don't like getting too close because I don't want them to hurt my feelings.

Great. He's coming over to my house.  No doubt my mom will be asking him a zillion questions. Oh well at least we can try and get it over with.

The rest of the day was okay I guess. Me and my friends made some good memories. Candi slipped over on some water is the café and it was so funny but I felt bad for laughing because she looked hurt but she said she wasn't.

I got on the bus and went home. I quickly tidied my room and got changed into some comfier clothes. Then heard three loud knocks on the front door.

My mom shouted up.
"Emily! There's a boy at the door for you!"

" I'll be down in a minute" I shouted back.

So I hope you liked this first chapter! I'm sorry it wasn't very long but they will get better I hope! Follow my Instagram for edits and updates and stuff like that! I love you all! Bye⭐️

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