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"I woke up and my pillow was drenched. It was a nightmare. A really horrible one."

Ethan's POV
I woke up around 1am because I heard someone crying. I was scared because I didn't know who it was. I got up to make a drink and I sat at the island.
"You alright bro?" I heard Grayson say.
"Grayson! You scared the fucking shit out of me!" My heart was pounding.
"Why are you up?" He asked me. His eyes were all red and puffy
"I heard some on crying. Well at least I know it was you now."
"W-what? I wasn't c-crying?" He said and he turned his head from me.
"You're eyes are all red and puffy, you can't hide it. Why were you crying anyway?" I asked.
"I had a dream that Emily didn't make the operation. It was the worst dream ever" he cried
"She'll be alright bro. Like the doctor said and her mom! She's strong! Remember that" I nudged him. I finished my drink and left the room. I said night to Grayson as I left.

•1 week later•

Grayson's POV
"Really?!" I said as I got excited.
"Yes, she's okay you can come and see her now. "
"Thankyou! Thankyou so much!" I hung up the phone and ran to Ethan's room. He wasn't dressed.
"Get dressed! We can go see Emily!" I screamed with joy
"What?! She's okay! I'll get dressed now" he threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a top. We left the apartment and went to our car. I wanted to drive so Ethan handed me the keys.
"I'm so happy she's okay!" I happily said.
"I'm relieved" he said and he sighed.
I put on Tuesday by drake because it's one of your favourite songs and we play it when we're happy. When we arrived at the hospital Emily's mom had only just arrived. She noticed us and hurried over.
"I'm so happy she's okay! I haven't been able to sleep properly" she said and she hugged each of us.
"I know!! I can't express how happy I am!" I said back
"I'm so happy I just want to scream" Ethan said.
We all walked up to the counter together.
"We're here to see Emily Carpenter." I said
"And who are you?" She said rudely
"I'm her boyfriend, this is her mom and my brothers here too" I spat.
"Go and wait over there. The doctor will be out in a minute" she pointed to the chairs behind. I waited and she said
"What are you waiting for, Christmas?" I scoffed and left. A few minutes later the doctor came out. She can leave but we will just have to check over her.
"Finally!" I shouted. I was so happy that my baby girl could finally come home! We walked into her room and she was in the bed. The doctor checked her over and removed all of her wires ect... She stood up. She was abit wobbly but she managed to keep her balance. I gave her a huge hug.
"I'm so proud of you!" I said.
She pulled away.
"Look Grayson I'm so sorry for being such a bitch. I love you so fucking much it's unreal."
"Language" her mom said. We all laughed.
"I love you too baby girl" I kissed her sweetly and she smiled.
"You ready?" Ethan asked.
She ran over to him and jumped into his arms.
"You're still alive!" She said and she was crying.
"What do you mean?" He asked. He looked really confused and I was too.
"You were in a car crash. A really bad one. They put you on life support but it was no help so they took you off it. But your still alive? How does that work?"
"Princess, none of that ever happened. It must have been a dream" he hugged her and kissed her forehead. It really pissed me off.
"Come on then let's go." I said rudely. Ethan glared at me. She went over to her mom and gave her a huge hug. They were talking and then we left.
"Can we go to Starbucks and in n out burger? I'm starving and I neeeeed coffee" she moaned
"Anything for you beautiful" I looked at her and she smiled. We were both in the back and Ethan was driving. Her mom was in the passenger seat. We got the stuff takeaway so that Emily could rest.

Emily's POV
So the boys and my mom walked in. I apologised to Grayson for brig such a bitch. I heard Ethan and I was really shocked. He was dead? Well he was meant to be? I ran and jumped into his arms and he spun me around. He told me it was all a dream . I went and saw my mom and she gave me a really big hug. We went and got Starbucks and in n out burger because I was starving. The hospital food tasted like utter shit and the drinks tasted like stale piss. We got home and I said bye to my mom because she was going to leave. I went into our room and got changed into a black Calvin Klein sports bra and some adidas joggers. I went into our living room. I grabbed my food off of the island and sat on the sofa. I flicked on Netflix and put mean girls on. Ethan came and sat down next to me.
"Graysons gone out quickly. So I guess it's just me and you. He said he'll be a few hours"
"Okay." I layed on is lap and he rubbed my forehead. It felt so nice. He leant down and kissed me. I kissed back and I sat up.
"You look so good in that sports bra babe" he said, making me blush
I would usually had hit him if he called me that but today I didn't mind. I kissed him back. I sat up and wrapped my legs around his waist. We were kissing in sink and it was so nice. He hovered over me on the sofa and he took his top off. Fuck his body was so hot. He leant down and he was licking up my body and I moaned. It felt so good. It made me want more of him. I took my sports bra off and he admired my body. He took his joggers off and I copied. We were both in our pants now.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked me.
"I'm sure"
He pulled down his underwear and put on a condom and then pulled down mine. He lined his dick up with my entrance and I nodded. I moaned and it hurt but it felt good. I kissed him again and he was thrusting in and out of me. He got faster. He was so good at it.
His pumps got floppier and he got out of me. He got dressed and so did I. He walked off.
"Where are you going?" I shouted.
He didn't answer.
I went into his bedroom and he was sat in the corner.
"What's up?" I asked.
"I can't do this Emily. You either pick me or Grayson. So who is it going to be?" He said

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