Overwatch : Kidnapped

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I do not OWN overwatch

(Y/n) was a normal boy with some bad luck his parent died when he was young when they got robbed and his dad tried to fight them and got both of them shot up.
He lived in a orpanage but he wasn't really loved nobody picked him and the other kids didn't talk to him but he was okay with it.

He was 16 with (h/c) hair and his eyes were a (e/c). He wore a simpel black t-shirt and blue jeans and a demon head necklace around his neck.

He was woken up by his alarm wich read 7.00
(Y/n) thought : why didn't i turn this of ? Its weekend for crying out loud !
He still got up and got ready for the day he putted on his clothes and the necklace.

He held the necklace in his hand it was his father before he passad away and (y/n) could't help but think about what his father wrote in the will letter.


(Y/n) sat in a office with a desk he was alone
to hear his father wishes the rest of the family did't show up his parent never told him what happenend to them.

A bald man in a black suit came inside.
Man : im sorry that am late.
He sat in his chair behind the desk infront of (y/n).
Man : im sorry of your loss kid.
(Y/n) nodded he had no more tears to spill.
Man : your father leaves your this necklace and his money from when you will grow up. He also wrote a letter special for you do you want to hear it ?
(Y/n) nodded in silence his head.

Man : well then alright lets start.

Dear son when your reading this me and your mother passad away but don't cry we are at a better place. Your strong son and a lot of fathers say this but your destiny is greatnes you will do thing which you could only do in your dreams.

Im sorry that i can't tell you the truth about the family but you will find it out soon enough keep the necklace and don't worry son we are watching over you.

May our god alduin project you and show you the truth.

The man stopped with reading and started at (y/n) who did't move
(Y/n) : is that everything ?
Man : yes
(Y/n) : thank you for your time i be going now.


(Y/n) shook his head and put the necklace on and walked towards the kitchen while humming a song.

He quickly maked it to the kitchen and found the caretaker miss goodenheim

She was a nice old lady with glasses and long grey hair.
(Y/n) : morning miss goodenheim.
She looked at him shocked not expecting somebody to be already up.
Miss goodenheim : oh hello (y/n) early up ?
(Y/n) : yeah forgot to turn my alarm off
Goodenheim : good sit down i make some eggs and then if you want you could you maybe get grocories ?
(Y/n) : sure i don't mind.

(Y/n) was that kind of boy who did't care about most stuff he deals with he was lazy but if you asked him something he gladly helps.

After breakfast he took the money and went out the door where he was immediately met by a cold gust of wind.
(Y/n) thought : jeez its pretty cold today.
He walked towards the city but he did't now he was being watched from a rooftop.
Voice #1 : is that him ?
Voice #2 : thats him we get him later.
Voice #1 : and why does the boss want him ?
Voice #2 : boss wants somebody young and this kid has nobody so nobody is gonna miss him.
Voice #1 : alright lets get him.

5 minutes later

(Y/n) walked trough the streets it was't crowed because it was still pretty early. He walked in a calm pace over the streets while softly whisteling.
(Y/n) thought : alright go to the super market bring the food back and then i have the hole day for myself.

While he was walking he did't notice the two shadows following him.

He kept walking when suddenly a tv in a store got his attention it showed a bit about a new game called overwatch.
It looked not bad and it wasn't he knows about it so he kept watching it for a minute when one of the characters called tracer say something interesting
The world could always use more hero's
(Y/n) thought : this world could for sure use more hero's.

The city was't doing good crimanals walked free and there was some mad man who called himself the creeper who kidnapped people and then they never were heard of again. But strangely (y/n) was not scared just a crazy person he thought.

He continue walking towards the store while he was thinking.
(Y/n) thought : overwatch sounds cool i wish i could be a hero like the hero's there being special and fighting for good. (Sigh) but this is reality with a pshygo on the lose kidnapping people.... Well it could be worse.

He just walked next to a dark alley where he suddenly got punched in the face and trow inside.
(Y/n) : WHAT !
Two dark figures in cloaks stood with him in the dark alley one of them kept his hands behinds his back while the other was punching his knuckle in his palm.
(Y/n) : who the hell are you two ?!
Voice#2 : that doesn't matter what does matters is that the creepers want you.
(Y/n) eyes widenend out of shock and fear but before he could say something he got punchend unconscious.

Voice#1 : don't worry the boss got something vere special planned just for you hahahahaha.

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