Overwatch : The liar and the chance of a new life.

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I now the song above is something different but the song does really fit a simple boy but on the inside a fighter : he is more then meets the eye but don't worry if you don't like it denounce me, but jokes on you i don't have any money :)

The second he saw there guns pointed at him he runned to his right throught destroyed walls. well a wall of bullets destroyed everthing behind him.

He kept running with a few bullets almost hitting him and eventually jumped over a destroyed wall in cover.

He try'd to come up with a plan but a another chest caught his eyes and hoping on a weapon he opended it and found a handgun with only one magazine.
(Y/n) thought : only one serieus ?! It will have to do i guess.
He picked it up and loaded it so with the handgun in left and his katana in right he ready himself for a fight.

The first two guys moved slowy towards him but he runned from cover while shooting and hitting one of them in the head. The other try'd to hit him but he runned behind another wall and suddenly the man was out of ammo.
Thug : what oh no !
(Y/n)  jumped from cover and shot him between the eyes.

The guy with the minigun appeared and try't to schoot but the minigun needed a second but that gave (y/n) the time to run away behind cover.
Behemoth : get him !

The two others followd him in the ruins but he climbed the walls and maked sure that the did't see him.
Thug : where is the kid ?!
(Y/n) stood on a destroyed roof while the two thugs under him looked around.

He jumped down on one of them and stabbed his sword through the guys chest but the sound got the attention of the other guy.
Thug : there he is.

(Y/n) shot to scare the guy and hide behind a pillar when suddenly a granade landed next to him.
(Y/n) : OH NO !!!
He runned away but the blast still blew him from his feets in the hard ground.

The only thing he heard was a ringing in his ear and some muffed sounds. He lost his sword who layed a few feet away.
Somebody turned him on his back and that somebody was the thug.
Thug : no.. So tho.... Now a.. .ou ? (Not so tough now are you ?)
The guy aimed the gun at his face but (y/n) grabbed and pointed somewhere else and then kicked the guys feet out of under him. He stood up and shot him in the head and quickly picked his sword up un his way deeper the ruins in.

A few bullets flew past him while he runned but they stopped when he turned in a building that looked like a small house.
The creeper : not bad the most are dead but you still have to beat behemoth
Behemoth : a imposseble task so show yourself and i make it quick, i promise.
(Y/n) thought : no way !
He then noticed a gas tank next to him.

With behemoth
The big guy was walking slowy trought the ruins looking for his prey.
Out of nowhere a gas tank landed in front of him.
Behemoth : WHOA !!
A bullet hit the gas tank making it Exploded but the blast didn't kill him it simply stunned him.

Out of the smoke (y/n) came and slashed him across the chest but because of the armor it didn't do much.
Behemoth : nice try but im gonna kick your ass.
He swing his gun at (y/n) but the kid ducked under it and slashed Behemoth leg but again nothing then Behemoth tried to crush him with it but he side stepped and jabbed the sword to the helmet but again it didn't do much.

Behemoth stepped back and pointed his gun at (y/n) but he used a wall to jump on a pillar and started to climd just when the bullets hit the base of it. The bullets went up but (y/n) jumped the last second to a another pillar and climbed up where he disepeared from sight.

Overwatch / The Champion of hell (new version changed into male reader)Where stories live. Discover now