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I hear the sound of yelling from down stairs in the kitchen. The curtains in my room are closed and I am too sore to even move.

"Get the hell up you worthless kid! Be grateful you're going to school! Now get up before we change our minds!" Helen shouts from below. I sigh and get up cringing a bit at my leg. The story behind that you all will get to know later. I got dressed in a white and red t-shirt with a disc symbol on the front, a pair of black jeans, converse shoes and a red sweater that has a gear symbol on the front. I made sure to wear this sweather; if I didn't hide the recent bruises I would get questioned and so would these assholes who would most likely lie and then come after me afterwards. I grabbed my book bag, phone, and headphones. All these things I had to get on my own. I ran down the stairs and slowly entered the kitchen.

Helen was there sitting at the counter doing her make up. Why couldn't she just do it in the luxurious bathroom she had? Your guess is as good as mine. I headed into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of Doritos and Aj. The only things I ever really eat when I don't want actual meals. I shove the bag and bottle in my bag. She doesn't seem to mind, either that or she just wasn't paying attention. I headed for the door just as a large hand grabs my arm tightly. I flinch and move quickly twisting around to see Sir Gilliard Ronald's. Would you believe me if I said that this fat well dressed unshaved penguin was a politician for the god damn state? Well guess what that's what he is.

"Listen up kid. If I get any calls from your school. Any kind of letter or message saying you were misbehaving and making it seem like I don't have control of what my kid is doing...and ruin my reputation I will teach you a powerful lesson. Do you hear me?" His breath smelled like fucking cigars which I hated. This place smelled like alcohol and cigars all the god damn time but if guests showed up shit it would smell like daisies and daffodils. This is where I mouth off like I have done a few times.

"You're not my real dad. So I shouldn't have to listen to you. Now let go or I'm going to be late unless you want people to think that your 'kid' quote on quote 'kid' isn't taught how to arrive to school on time," I take a breath realizing that I just about smart talked him and opened up for him to give a good punch to my face. Which he did. And he was wearing three rings, with one leaving a cut on my cheek. That's really great isn't it? He screams and tosses me out the door. I stumble and run off shaking a bit. Sure I'm used to the beating and put downs. I'm mentally numb to it all. But my body fears the beatings more than I ever realized. I ran to the school down the block hoping that no one would notice the cut or question me. Thank God no one did. I stopped before the school and saw a large amount of students. This was going to be hectic. Yet cool at the same time. I walked through the gates and to the entrance. I saw many kids, they were either human or trolls. Trolls were like an alien race we befriended long ago but I don't know a damn thing about them seeing as how I never left the house but I have seen a few troll adults come into the house but they don't speak to me. One of them had attempted to speak to me once but Gilliard took him away before he could speak more to me. I couldn't remember what his name is. I remember that he had nubby like horns. Oh well.

I headed to the office of the school and grabbed my schedule. I looked at it and sighed. Great I had math class first thing in the morning. I stood before the door of the classroom and took a breath. Here I go.

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