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It's the big day in court. And as it stands I am fucking ready to leave. I don't want to be enraged. I don't want my brothers or karkat or his family enraged. I mean we warned the security that if Ronalds tries something all three of us striders were going to kick his ass. We were all handcuffed. Then again didn't matter. We had pins hidden in our sleeves to unlock them. I sat upfront and tried to breathe as normally as I possibly could. When everyone gathered and the judge got up to his podium he looked at me and my brothers.

"Um excuse me why are you boys in cuffs?" He asks.

We all looked at each other then back at him.

"It's a Strider thing, trust us on that. It's for the best," we said in unison. After that he only shook his head and sat down. Everyone else did as well. As the hours went by with the case, I started to get too anxious. This was getting bad. I was starting to feel hot as hell, my hands were greatly sweaty,cand my eyes felt heavy. I have already been angered a few times here due to that bastards lying words. He brought up my self harming, my past, and real parents. My brothers. And completely shamed it all in front of everyone. When it was my turn to take the stand I spoke out true words. My hands tight on the sides. I answered each question truthfully and honestly. And all the while I was trying to keep my cool. It's almost time for the jury to reach their verdict. I starting to feel dizzy and ready to pass out, but with my shades no one would notice. I closed my eyes and kept listening. The jury was ready. The first person in that row of people stood up.

"We find the defendant guilty of all charges,"

I sighed in relief. Finally. But then a sudden scream sounded. A woman was stepping back just as Ronalds grabbed a tazer from the guard and tazed him. The lawyer tried to stop him, but to no avail. Next thing I know he comes running for me. I back away, but then Bro grabs his arm and flips him over to the floor and twists his wrist making him drop the tazer. He curses and screams calling me all types of names. I stepped back even more. I felt so secluded. The entire place getting smaller around me. And tight. I felt my heart racing at top speed. Everything. My body. It all felt light. I hear another scream
A familiar one. Calling out to me. But by then I was gone.

Next thing I hear is a numerous number of sounds. All around me. Voices. I slowly gain consciousness and feel my face for my shades. I notice they aren't there until someone hands them to me. I placed them on and opened my eyes just to see everyone I knew.

"What the..? Where the hell am I?" I asked.

"In the fucking hospital dumbass," Karkat says. His hand tightly wrapped around my own.

"What happened?"

"The doc said it was a quick panic attack," Dirk says.

"Panic attack?"

"Probably in response to that douche grabbing that tazer and going apeshit,"

"Oh that shit...yeah.." I sighed.

"But hey you're okay now right?" I looked up at Roxy who was smiling.

"He should be just fine right Dave?" Rose asks. I nodded.

"Man you scared us all again bro," John says with a small chuckle.

"Not like you did it on purpose, but yes you did freak us the hell out Dave. You have a habit of that now," Jade says.

"Yeah yeah,"

Bro walks in and sits on my bed, "Hey lil man listen up the doc says you may need meds for the anxiety issue you got going on got it?"



"I got it man.." I said. He ruffles up my hair and walks out.

"I'm getting lunch. Better come while you can everyone!" Next thing you know they all leave to grab a bite except Karkat of course.

"Not gonna eat?" I asked.

"No. Im staying with you Dave..." he says his cheeks turning red. I smiled and sat up.

"Karkles..." he lifts his head all the way up and just as he did I leaned forward and kisses him. From behind my shades I watched him. His eyes widened as his face turned red. What would Terezi say? That the red would fast or smell intoxicating? Some shit like that. But that's how it was. I tilted his head up a bit by his chin deepening the kiss. He finally melts closing his eyes and kisses me back. I moved my shades up on my head and closed my eyes. We pulled apart and slightly opened our eyes keeping our lips inches apart. I stared into his eyes as he stared into mine. God, it felt just right. It felt good, to kiss him like that. It was warm. It was a warmth I really needed for my cold heart and soul. Again we kissed and this time it was more passionate. It was a complete make-out session.

"Whao whao whao breathe!" We pulled away fast and turned realizing that everyone had returned.

"Oh mew god! So purrrrfect! So cute! To my shipping wall!" Nepeta squeals out with glee. Meulin jumps up and down with her as she nods.

"Yes!" She shouts. Karkat buries his face under the sheets. I sighed and turned to them, but then it was quiet. Everyone stared at me. Why were they staring. That's when I realized. My shades. Were not covering my eyes. My eyes widened. I pulled my shades back on and laid back down.

'Oh no....' My brothers stared at me and were frowning because they knew how I was feeling.

"Dave..." I looked up at John.

'Say it just say it...I'm a demon....a creature of the night....say it...'

"Dude show it again! Your eyes! They're so cool!" His reaction surprised me. My best bro wasn't pushing me away but instead thought of my eyes as being cool. I laughed and laughed. I kept laughing but at the same time I was crying. Out of pure happiness.

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