Roger Daltrey no.1

622 13 10

You were searching through the store looking for something nice to wear for a very important event. You were very nervous because you haven't found the right outfit yet and you've been looking for one for two hours.
You finally found two dresses that seemed really nice to you, but here comes another problem. Which one?

You stood in front of a mirror with both dresses in your hands
"Which one, which one" you whispered for yourself
"This one suits you better. It matches your eyes" you hear someone behind you and turn around to see a blond guy, with bright blue eyes looking atnyour dresses and then smiling at you
You were confused but decided to go with it
"You think so?" you smile back at him
"Yeap. You have really nice eyes and that dress is very pretty. The other one is too, but I think this one suits you more" he responds
"Yeah, I have a really important thing this Friday and I really wanted to look nice" you blush
"Can I know about it?" he said
"Well, it's my first art exhibition" you respond
"Oh, that's awesome! You're into art?"
"Yeah, I've been dreaming about becoming an artist since I was little" you say and smile "You can stop by if you want, it's in the National Art Gallery, on Friday, at 7pm"
"I'll make sure to visit it, I'm really curious" he responds with a smile "I'm Roger by the way" he says and sticks his hand out for you to shake it
"I'm (Y/N)" you giggle and shake his hand "Very nice meeting you Roger"
"The pleasure's all mine (Y/N)" he says "I really have to go now, but I'm glad I've met you"
"I am too" you respond "And I have to hurry too" you say rushing but he stops you
"Hey, maybe this is weird, but can I have your phone number or something, 'cause I really don't want to not see you again" he said and you think about it a little
"Maybe it's meant to be" he wiggles his eyebrows and you giggle
"See you on Friday" you start walking away "If I see you there, than it's meant to be"
"Trust me, it is" he shouts in response so you can hear him.


Lots of people came to you exhibition and you were pleasantly surprised by the number of people that were there.
You're standing on a little stage where you're going to have a small speach and as the people were gathering, you were looking through the crowd looking for the guy you were waiting for the most.
After realizing he's not here, you get a little disappointed. But you still have to go on the stage and do a speach. You walk to the microphone and start lrelaring for your speach. Then you look at the entrance to see Roger walking in, smiling as he sees you. You smile again, happily.
You read from his lips
"Told you it was meant to be"


ha i love roger so much

Reminding you that you can send ur requests, tbh it makes it more fun for me to write

peace and love yall xoxoxox

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