Chapter 21

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It comes in waves, I close my eyes,
I hold my breath and let it bury me.
I'm not okay, and it's not alright.


| Ashton |

Some days are better than others for Bailey, I've learned. That still doesn't make it any easier for me to watch her suffer. It isn't fair, she doesn't deserve this. Scratch that, no one deserves to go through such a terrible thing. I recall when she told me she wouldn't want me or anyone else to go through this. No matter how horrible a thing they did, she believes that no one deserves to go through what she is. It literally breaks my heart.

"Hey, you okay mate?" Cal's voice breaks my thoughts and snap my head in his direction. I run a hand over my face, "Yeah." Calum gives me a weird look, as if he doesn't believe me. "No," I mumble with sigh as I lay back on Luke's couch in the basement. We've all gathered to discuss upcoming interviews and other things here in Australia, but my mind is elsewhere.

"What's up? Is it Bailey again?" Luke asks gently as he plops down on the floor next to me. I prop myself up with my elbow. "Yeah, she's still not eating."

I recall the fight we got into earlier over it. I was watching her because mom was out, and it was my job to help her eat at least something so she didn't get any sicker. But like usual, she refused. I've started to gain quite a temper these days, which is something I'm not very proud of. I ended up yelling at her and then staying downstairs until mom came home. Then I came directly over to Luke's house.

I let out a frustrated groan as I recall my outburst at my sister. Before I have any more time to think about it, my phone rings. I wince at the caller ID; mom.

"Hey mom," I mumble, already dreading the scolding I'm probably getting from her for yelling at Bailey.

"Ashton, what did we talk about?" She says into the phone. She sounds stressed and worried. "Bailey's already having enough trouble as it is without you yelling at her," she says gently.

All the boys' heads snap in my direction with puzzled looks. "You yelled at her?" Calum mouths with a shocked expression. I just give him a solemn glance before listening to the rest of my mother's rant before apologizing.

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to Bailey," she says strictly. "She needs you, Ash," she adds after a moment.

I nod, "Okay, I will. Bye." I hang up the phone and pull a couch pillow over my face. I feel terrible for yelling at Bailey, but I'm also angry that I can't do anything. I know Calum told me the best thing I can do is be there for her, but it's hard to just sit in her room and watch her waste away. I've always been a fixer, but this? No one can fix this.

"You yelled at her?" Michael questions, sounding almost irritated. I roll my eyes, "Yes. I didn't mean to, it just happened," I mumble, suddenly feeling small under everyone's stares.

"Come on mate, she has cancer! She has enough going on!" Michael says. This just makes me angrier. "You think I don't know that?" I snap. "Save it Michael, I already got a lecture from my mom and feel bad enough as it is, I don't need another lecture," I grumble.

"I think you do if you keep snapping like that," Michael points out. "I get that this is hard for you, but it's ten times worse for Bailey."

I stand up swiftly and start pacing. "I know Michael. I messed up, just leave it alone!"

"What's with the temper lately?" Michael questions.

I snap.

I turn on my heel harshly and before I can even process what I'm doing, my fist is connecting with his cheek. Michael stumbles backward as his hand flies to his now red face and looks up at me in shock. He lunges forward and gets one good punch in at my face, also making me stumble backwards before Calum and Luke separate us.

"What the hell?" Calum questions just as harshly, helping Michael regain his balance.

"Mate, I think you need to cool off," Luke says as Cal goes upstairs to grab Michael an icepack. That's his way of kindly kicking me out. I hurriedly follow them up the stairs and grab my jean jacket, rushing out. I kick and hit everything in my sight until I've finally calmed down. I walk, heaving for breath and tugging at my hair.

I really messed up.

I slowly make my way back home and see Bailey sitting on the porch swing the long way, one leg bent up with one dangling off and pushing herself back and forth.

Great, now she'll see my face.

She looks up from the book she's reading and gives me a timid smile before her eyes land on the bruise that's forming on my cheek. She pulls herself up into a full sitting position and closes her book.

"What happened to you?" She questions. I just avoid her gaze, staring at the concrete as I hurriedly walk inside. "Wait, did you get in a fight?" Bailey asks incredulously. I quicken my pace and slam the door behind me, making a beeline to my room where I strip out of my clothes and hop into the shower. Showers always help to clear my mind, but I know it won't soothe my thoughts.

I really messed up.

A/N - Yikes, Ashton's got a temper! What do you think will happen between Ash and Michael? Thoughts? Let me know what you think! Xoxo - Em:)

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