Chapter Twelve

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Sleep didn't come to me that night. I watched the small amount of light that peaked through the tent fade slowly away to darkness until it came back again.

Still restrained, the only thing I could do for all those hours was think. An overwhelming sense of despair had washed over me as time ticked on by, and I hadn't heard any news about Eric. The worry made me feel sick to the point where I wanted to throw up constantly. I just hoped he was okay. I couldn't bare the thought of anything bad happening to him.

I knew the only way I could distract myself from those thoughts was to continue trying to think of a way to escape. If I could break free, I could also untie Mackenzie and we could find a way to get Eric back. But so far, I'd achieved nothing. It was a completely useless feeling to be practically glued to a chair and not even move your limbs. My arms and legs had grown stiff and sore, while my eyelids had grown heavy, begging for sleep.

Throughout the entire night, I'd waited for someone to come back into our tent. I was growing completely desperate to know about Eric's condition but wasn't getting the answers I needed. Every now and again a man would peer through the tent opening, simply to check that we were still trapped the way we were supposed to be, before leaving abruptly. No matter how many times I called out or pleaded, I was completely ignored.

Mackenzie and I had barely spoken to each other in all the time. It wasn't because we were mad at each other or anything like that, I think we both just didn't know what to say. There had been no plans made or any ideas even suggested for how we were going to get out of this one.

The RFI had thoroughly devised their plan to capture us. As I looked around the small white tent, I couldn't find one thing that would help us escape. They knew better than to give us access to anything that we could use to our advantage.

Slowly, I felt my eyelids grow heavier and heavier. It started to become a challenge to keep them open as the drowsiness overcame me. But I kept fighting it - desperate not to fall asleep in case something happened. I just wanted a solution to all of this. I wanted a way out of all of this but most of all, I just wanted to know that Eric was okay.

Finally, I was startled back into being alert as two men barged into the tent. I hadn't seen either of them before, leading me to believe that there were more RFI agents on this island than I'd originally thought. It was like they'd opened up their own base here, simply to hold us captive.

To my surprise, they walked directly past Mackenzie and me, heading towards a wooden cabin that stood meters behind us. They began ransacking the drawers, looking for something.

"Where is he?" I piped up nervously. "Where did you take Eric? If you've hurt hi-"

"Your friend is being stubborn," One of them replied calmly, not even bothering to glance in my direction. "Therefore, he is being dealt with accordingly."

I paused at his words. He was confirming my worst fears - they were torturing him. Eric hadn't given them any of the information they wanted, which I should have expected. He probably would have valued the RUA over his own life. And that only made me feel sicker.

If he didn't answer their questions, they were going to do God knows what else to him. But I knew him well enough to know that even the worst pain wouldn't cause him to betray the people he cared about. It was one of the many things I admired about him. Loyalty.

My eyes welled up with tears but I did my best not to show it. If they saw me this way, it would only provoke them even more. They would enjoy it. Instead, I breathed in slowly, trying to regain myself.

"If you do anything to him," I began softly, feeling myself shake in anger.

"You'll what?" The man laughed, his deep voice and accent booming through the tent. "You're tied up for a reason."

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