Darkness of the Moon [ENGLISH]

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Once again, darkness of moon,
falls down at the people,
folk once proud is on the knees,
the folk of the eagle.

Once again, shadows of moon,
fortifying evil,
weakening the folk of wolf,
but the wolf stays peaceful.

All of sudden, man appears,
darkness knows this guest.
Proudly standing on frontier,
linden on his chest.

Standing still, holding his shield,
not saying a word,
facing dark, and foreign wind,
in other hand sword.

Thinking of the legacy,
of his weakened people,
Looks in eyes of enemy,
in the eyes of evil.

Standing in his final stand,
deeply breathing air,
loudly shouts his last command
"Don't die in despair!"

"Let's unite and not just cry,
Warsaw, Bratislava,
Let's unite in battlecry.
Forward my folk, Sláva!"

Did they win or did they die?
That's what I can't say.
But always have on your mind,
- eclipse ends one day. 

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