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I felt full and i didnt eat anything yet.i bent down to throw up for the umpteenth time but this time i felt someone touch my shoulder

"Daddy are you ok?"

I looked up and seen my angel emily.she looked concerned but her expression changed when she took a good look at the vomit and seen blood

"Oh god theres blood!"

She yelled loosing balance.when emily sees blood she tends to freak out,evan if its just a scratch of it ,the smallest dot of it can make her pass out.

"No it's not breath for me please"

We both breathed in and out slowly.i softly grabbed her hands snd made her look anywhere but the blood and breath as i led her away from the bloody vomit.i couldnt have my baby girl pass out i already have one of my kids in the hospital and theres no need for another.when we got in the waiting room she finnaly took her gaze off of my hair

"Wheres chres and kaliya?"

I asked.i didnt know so i was hoping she did.she is kaliyas favourite sibling and shes chresantos butterfly so there was a chance she had atleast an idea of were they were.

"Uh...there not here already?"

She asked surprised

"Nope they never came it's only me..."

"How long have you been here?"

"For hours"

She took out her LG metro pcs and dialed a number.


She put it on speaker

Ring. .....riiing...rinng-

"Wassup em"

"Dont "wassup em" me where tf are you!"

She hollard pissed at her big sisters carless activities

"Im with my wife why are you yelling at me?"

I cant get over the fact that Kaliya likes girls now,or maybe shes just doing this to hurt edwin

"Are you serious?!"

She yelled startling a family sitting in the same room as us

"Your little brother is in the hospital because of a bullet and your with kyshari!!, how cold can you be"

"Below 0"

She said before hanging up

"Daddy i cant fucking stand your daughter"

I nodded in understanding.

"Shit i do to sometimes, but we gotta love her"


Pɾҽttʏ Aɠaɩŋ {virus Sequel}Where stories live. Discover now