BONUS: Kenjirou X Ayaka

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[ Yup, I ship these two 100% even though they're married... I'm strange like that ]

Kenjirou POV

     The world spins so fast I can't keep up. First, I have a loving family. Then my wife dies. Then I wish that we could be together, and this damned murderous snake takes control and I end up dead, with my daughter and her friends probably dead too. So now we're together, Ayaka.

     Was it all a waste? Maybe not. I decide that when I see your face. Even though you're sad, it makes me so happy. Happy to see you again. Happy that tears well up in my eyes.

     You look towards me. Maybe you've forgotten me. No. You remember me. You smile that mile-wide smile that makes my heart leap and hold me in your arms. Your scent, your colour, your warmth. They fill me up until all the past hurt and pains are pushed out and aren't in me anymore.

     I feel a wetness on my shoulder. Are you crying? All the time I've known the strong you. But you're crumbling. Because you thought you'd lost me and you've found me again.

     We pull apart to look at each other's faces. Yours hasn't changed. Still as beautiful.

     "You came at last," You say.

     "I did," Then I start to cry harder, "I did all this for you... Tell me it's wrong! I killed our daughter and nine other people... for you!"

     You don't look angry. Or phased in any way. You don't slap me like I thought you would. Or shout. You just simply reply, calm and quiet, "It's okay. I still love you. I always will."

     I hold you again. "I love you. I always will..."

ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı—THE END—ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı◊ı

[Author's Message: So yeah, I finished this!

Yayaa! It's been so fun to make, but also taken a lot of time and almost sleepless nights where I'm thinking: what could I do for them? Which powers do they have now? How would that work?  Well, it feels like that, but I actually completed this in...

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Yayaa! It's been so fun to make, but also taken a lot of time and almost sleepless nights where I'm thinking: what could I do for them? Which powers do they have now? How would that work?  Well, it feels like that, but I actually completed this in a day. That's probably the most I've ever written in such a short time. Until I become a full-time author (fingers crossed). Leave your OTP or favourite chapter in the comments. In case you wanted to know, my OTP is definitely ShinAya. But it turns out that Seto X Marry was the longest chapter here... I don't know why. Kenjirou X Ayaka was fun. I didn't feel like doing HibiHiyo because, in my eyes, she's still dead (and that makes sense because Ayano is totally alive...) plus EFFORT! If it's at high demand, I might make one, but who really ships them? Yeah... until whenever, be proud of your ships, write your own and remember, love Mekakucity Actors! <3

P.S. none of the pics are mine. I love the Kenjirou X Ayaka one... so kawaii!]

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