5// Chloes POV

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Maddie starts.

I stare deep into her blue eyes before looking away as our eyes locked.

I'm gonna show Mackenzie my toys!

Clara exclaims, the most excited I've seen her in a while.

She runs down the hall, Mackenzie following.

We both stare at our feet.


She mumbles

I look up,

No, tell me

I insist.

She looks at me, her eyes bluer (a/n is that a word? lmao) than ever.


She glances at our moms, who were chatting.

I bite my lip with nerves

A wave of realisation comes over me

Do you want to, maybe, take this up to my room?

I say, hoping she doesn't understand it in a different way as I mean it.

She nods, pressing her lips together and exhaling.

~        ~         ~

We place ourselves on my bed, well, mattress.

So, what were you going to say?

I inquire.

I...I missed you Chloe.

hahah I'm gonna leave it there with a slight cliffhanger and a crappily written chapter. enjoy! also idrk how everyone would just reconnect so quickly but, that's how the story is gonna go so deal with it. :)

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