2 // Maddies POV

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As I lay in bed the light of my phone glows onto my face, illuminating it from the 5:00 am darkness

The case slips from my grasp, landing on my nose

Shit, that hurt

My voice comes out raspy, and too loud

I sigh, picking my phone off my face

Light seeps through my sheer curtains, so I sit up and investigate the source

A couple of large trucks pull up infront of the house across the street, which had just been sold

A large man hops out from the drivers side, continuing to the back of the truck

Another man, smaller, hops out of the other side and opens the front door of the house

They start to haul tables, chairs, and many other things into the house

Wow, stuff moves fast these days, one minute the house is empty and the next it's full

I whisper to myself

I shuffle back to my bed, tugging my laptop off of its charger

My handles slide across the keyboard as I type www.youtube.com into the browser

I click the first video on my recommended list, getting lost in the mess of YouTube.


My door swings open as Kenzie darts into my room

She glances at my laptop screen, a video playing

Why are you watching a video on how to make a paper-mache giraffe?

She inquires

I give her a look then reply

Says the girl who watches Thomas the tank engine

She lunges towards my bed

That was one time!

She exclaims, trying (and failing) to contain her laughter

I chuckle at the sight of my sister, laying in a fit of laughter on my bed

Did you see there are new people moving in across the street?

I ask her

She shakes her head

We walk over to the window to see the two same men talking with each other on the lawn

I wonder who's moving in, we should go meet them, when they come

She says

I nod in agreement, then continue to my door, kenz on my tail

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