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"We made a mistake by walking to school," Harry muttered as he hugged his bag to his chest.

I stared up, at the sky and was greeted by dark, grey clouds floating in the horizon, which roared occasionally, signalling that it might rain in a few hours. Even though it was eight in the morning, everything was bleak, grey and dreary as sun was imprisoned by monstrous clouds.

He was right, now, we didn't have any means of transport to go back from our school incase the horrifying clouds above us start to mourn.

I just nodded in response and continued walking side by side to him. Comfortable silence settled between us as we reached Saturn High School. Harry pushed open the gate of the school and I strolled behind. We smiled at each other and parted our ways to run for our own classes.

Harry's my only bestfriend ever since I have opened my eyes and that's because he's my second cousin and neighbour so we've grown up wearing same pants. He's one of the few people who can read my mind and eyes so I'm like an open book infront of him. While recalling memories from childhood, I walked to my first class.


She wasn't here. My eyes kept on searching for her but I couldn't find the same brunette hair I daily stared at. She never missed Literature's class, it was her favourite. Where is she? Is she okay?

"Good Morning, students. I hope all of you completed your homework. I'll call five-" Mrs. Baker was interrupted as door of the class flew open. Everyone's attention diverted towards the petite figure entering the class. I sighed, releasing the breath I hadn't realised I was holding in from the moment the knowledge that she isn't here sank inside me.

"You're late Ms. Pietersen." Mrs. Baker glared at her however she kept on staring at her shoes.

"Sorry," she muttered while taking the seat in the front. She was upset over something, I can sense that. She's not her usual self. There's always a grin on her face in this lecture and her cheerful voice which rang through the class every minute as she loved this lesson. Something was off about her.

"As I was saying, I'll call five people among you who'll read their poems infront of the class while others will submit it to me after this class." Mrs. Baker continued, as I searched for the white sheet in my bag on which I wrote mine.

"Francisco Adams, you're first." Mrs. Baker pointed at me.

Sighing heavily, I jumped out of my seat and sauntered towards the front desk while unfolding the piece of paper. As I reached my destination, I glanced around the class. I took a deep breath as I saw similar dark brown eyes staring back at me.

"If  you'd ask me when I started loving you,
I think I'd have to lie,
Because I don't even remember,
When I noticed that your eyes fill with joy when you see something you like,
Or how you close them when you try to hide your tears when loads of people are around,
Or how they stare at the ground when you're angry, stressed or done,
I don't remember when I noticed the value of your words,
How they were so different from everything,
And how they got into my heart and made it smile,
Even though it had been a while,
Since I'd been happy, but I liked it,
But if you ask me when I noticed that I liked it,
I'd have no idea."

As I finished speaking, I realised we both were still staring at each other so intently. Her chocolate brown eyes staring right through my soul and at that moment I feared that she might know this was written for her, that she's the puzzle which I want to solve, that she's the ordinary yet the most beautiful leaf in the garden full of flowers which I crave for, that I like her, so much.

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