Cole & Zali

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"Mmhm! Hmmm!" Roja screamed as she struggled against strong arms. "stop it will you!" A soft voice hissed in annoyance. Roja glared into the dark and raised her foot, with all her might she kicked back and hit the knee of her captor. A wolf yelped and the arms let go of her. Roja aimed her gun into the dark and was shocked to see that once again her vision was near perfect in a light-less place. Before her stood the woman, Cole, Hige said her name was. "You!" Roja shouted aiming her gun at Cole's chest. Cole calmly raised her hands in the air. "put that thing down, I am trying to help you" Cole said. "how do I know that?" Roja asked sharply her voice chilled over as she kept aim. "You don't" Cole said simply. Roja clenched her teeth. "but I haven't eaten you already" Cole added. Roja lowered her gun for a second before aiming it again.

Tsume fought with two wolves who had perused him. Snapping and snarling near the outskirts of town. "Tsume!" Kiba called dropping down from toppled building he took out of one the two wolves. "Hey beat it!" Hige called ramming his large body into the other wolf. It fell to the ground before scampering away. "should we just let him go?" Toboe asked watching it run away. Kiba watched it as well "yeah, it won't do anything" He said. Tsume licked at his wounded front paw before looking around. With a gasp he took to human form. "Were is Roja?" he asked. "she followed you" Toboe said, "I know that! I mean she was behind me" said Tsume. "aw man, not again" Hige sighed closing his eyes. "She can't be to far behind, You and Toboe go, Hige and I will stay and let you know if anything happens" Kiba spoke calmly, his voice brought the panic out of Tsume, who nodded and took off back into the city, Toboe on his heels.

"were are you taking me?" Roja asked as she followed Cole through the dark building, her gun still on the wolf female. "down a safe path, now keep quiet" Cole said. Roja rolled her eyes impatiently. "why are you helping me?" Roja asked. Cole stopped for a second and lowered her gave "because, you remind me of myself, just a little. And that other one, from the very first time we met, He reminded me of Zali...its almost uncanny how much the two of you..." Cole's words trailed off. She rose her head again and continued walking "never-mind that hurry up" Cole said. Roja watched her confused but followed anyway.

"I don't smell her anywhere, maybe she didn't come this way with you Tsume" Toboe said sniffing the ground. Tsume crossed his arms and scanned the ally. "sniffing won't do you any good" He said. Toboe scratched his cheek and tilted his head in confusion. "huh? Why's that?" Toboe asked. "Because Roja's never had a scent, ever since I first found her, she's never smelled like anything unless she got into something or put on something scented" Tsume said. Toboe laughed "everyone, everything's got a scent, Tsume, maybe your nose is broken!" Toboe chuckled playfully. Tsume glanced at him before continuing to scan the ally. "My nose is fine!" he snapped Toboe smiled warily "You get grumpy when Roja's not around" said Toboe. Tsume fell silent and walked around the ally "damn" he cursed. "where's you vanish too?" Tsume muttered. Toboe turned to a wooden board which was leaning against the wall. "Hey Tsume?" He called.

Tsume and Toboe stood before the board, they glanced at each other, before moving it to the side reveling a doorway.

"Cole" Zali's voice echoed through the empty stone halls of the building. Roja froze as Cole stopped "tch! Zali!" She gasped. "I should thank you for hunting down our next meal" He said. Cole lowered her head "She's not for your or the others Zali, I caught her, and I'm letting her go" Cole said softly. "Your pack need to eat!" Zali scolded. "I won't deny that" said Cole in a small voice "But we cannot be man-eaters, since when did we become as bad as the humans! As heartless....this isn't who we are, and it isn't who you are" She said. "you've change Zali, I won't let these wolves end here"

Zali growled "But she isn't a wolf" he said. Roja tried to back up slowly " no, but she's got the wild in her eyes, human or not she's got more wolf in her eyes than you have in yours Zali" Cole whispered. Zali snarled. "what was that?" He asked. "you heard what I said" Cole spoke almost sadly now as she took a wider stance. "We are doomed to die in this city as long as we follow you" Cole said with a sad bitter smile "and I will follow you anywhere Zali, but I will save these young wolves if I can, they need this human or else she would not be with them, so she leaves too. And if you want her" Cole snarled and the snarl got louder and louder as she took wolf form "you come through me" she added.

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