3. Apology Accepted

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It's 3:15pm in the afternoon and Lucky is sitting silently on his sofa. Thinking.

Tears begin to form and soon enough, they drop down his cheek. After this, he picks up his phone and calls Emily.

"Hey Em... I just wanted to say sorry for taking off like that... I made a HUGE mistake..."

"Hey. No. It's fine. Rhys is a little upset but he'll get over it!" Emily chuckles. "Do you maybe wanna one over and sort things out?" She kindly asks.

"Yeah... I'm on my way." He says quietly.

Lucky disconnects from Emily and puts his phone into his pocket. He picks up his suitcase and heads out the door.

He pulls up onto Emily's drive way. Unusually, Emily opens the door before he even knocked.

"Hey!" Lucky says. "Is Rhys still here?"

"Hey, yeah. He is, he's in the living room."

Lucky and Emily both walk into her living room, only to see Rhys with his hands on his head and elbows leaning on his knees.

"Rhys, are you okay?" Emily asks.

"No." He says. "I don't know what I've done wrong. I hate it when someone hates me for no apparent reason."

"I don't hate you..." Lucky butts in. "I was just jealous..." He admits straight after.

Emily raises her eyebrow and turns towards Lucky. He smiles at her and gives her a small hug. Emily kisses his cheek, and says "you have nothing to worry about. I promise you. You're the only person I want to be with."

They both smile at each other.

"Well..." Rhys says awkwardly. "You apologising or what?"

"Ha, yes." Lucky says as he lets out a short laugh. "I'm sorry for treating you with so much disrespect. Also for judging you before even getting to know you. I hope you accept my apology."

"Thank you!" Rhys laughs. "Don't sweat it, it's fine. I totally get why you were acting this way. I hope we can be friends in the future." He smiles at Lucky.

"Of course. I would like to be friends with you." Lucky smiles back.

Emily butts in and says "okay you two, don't fall in love!" She laughs hysterically.

"Ha ha. Very funny." The two reply.

Lucky, Emily and Rhys patiently wait for Hayden to finally show up.

More and more minutes go by, and still no sign of Hayden.

Soon enough, Emily feels her phone buzzing in her back pocket. She sits up immediately and opens her messages.

[Hey Em! I'm running a bit late. I'll be at yours in about 10 minutes. Don't leave without me!]

"Guys! That was Hayden! She said she'll be here in about 10 minutes." Emily informs the boys.

"Finally." Lucky replies happily.

After a long 10 minutes. A knock echoes through the hallway and into Emily's living room.

"That must be Hayden!" Emily says as she gets up and goes to answer the door.

Emily opens the door. Her facial expression changes from being excited to jaw dropped in a minimum amount of time.

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