Chapter 2

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26 Days Earlier

     "Zara get your @?!# down here!" screamed my dad                                                                                                               

     Great... wonder what beating awaits me today. l slowly got out of my bed, terrified to face the day. "Coming!" I screamed back. Not my best decision ever... my beating probably just doubled.

     RING RING! I limped into school... I had a few bruises and a slight limp... not that bad. It was the last day of school but torture none the less. I arrived in my first class, sat at the back of the room and opened my book. I got a few glances, but did anyone care? No. No one ever cared. The teacher walking in, Mr. Held. He looked at me. Sadness filled his eyes. Wait did someone actually care for once? Then he turned and started talking to the class, not giving me a second thought. Just like me to get my hopes up. How could I ever think anyone would care. People used to say, "I'm sorry, I understand," How could anyone understand? They will never get me... They will never get how my life is.

     TICK TOCK! The time is passing by so slow. I can't take it anymore! I have to get out of here. All the people ignoring me, calling me names, etc. But I have to go somewhere to get away from my house. So here are my choices. Go home and get beat or come to school and get bullied and called names. I really have no safe haven... except one place...

     "Hey Zara! Wait up!" I was walking down the hall and turned to see where the voice was coming from. Right behind me was my best friend Griffin. Griffin is my only friend and I love him to death. He is the only thing that keeps me on my feet and keeps me from loosing all hope. He's the only one who cares enough to let me cry on his shoulder. He is so sweet!

     "Hey Griffin," I utter back. He finally caught up to me. That's when he saw my bruises and his eyes immediately darkened and pulled me into a huge hug. See, this is why I love Griffin, he knows everything and yet he stays. He knows how I'm feeling and what's going on. "Thanks Griffin. You're the best," I manage through a tear.

     "Hey, hey, hey," He whispered, "Please don't cry, you'll make me cry." He linked his arm in mine as we started to the cafeteria for lunch. Griffin got his lunch and we sat down. "Apple?" He offered. He did this everyday, he would open his lunch box, pull out and apple and offer it to me.

    "Nah," I said, "But thanks". I did this everyday as well. I would always reject his apple but appreciate the thought. He sighed but continued to eat. We ate in silence until he stopped and cleared his throat... I could see the obvious worry in his eyes and then I became worried too.

     "Zara, I need to tell you something..." He started.

     "What is it Griff?"

     "I'm gonna be gone this summer... I'm sorry but I'm gonna be in Seattle..." He managed. The world around me stopped... I tried to be happy for him but he was gonna leave me? Leave me in that house with that man? Leave me in my house with my dad? How could he do this to me? "I'm really sorry Zara, I really am it's just my great-grandma died last week and we are going to her funeral and we feel like we need to stay there to be with my great-grandpa. Please don't be mad..." he tried to explain.

     I cleared my throat, took a deep breath and started, "It's okay Griffin, I understand you need to be there, I'll manage..."

     RING RING! School was over.... any normal kid would be happy about this but for me that meant 65 days alone with my torturer.

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