A Flawless Day, Part 2

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Cole's P.O.V. 

We had finished eating lunch at Chipotle when Dalton grabbed me and pulled me outside.

"Ready?" I looked at him, confused.

"Ready for what?"

"For THIS!" He ran ahead of me and I had no choice but to follow him. We ran to a park and played silly games around the tall trees. We fell onto the grass after a while and layed there looking up at the sky.

"Hey, Cole?"


"I love you."

"I love you, too." He rolled onto his side after a while and said "Why don't we go cool off? The beach is only a little ways from here." I smiled and agreed. We walked to it and found a spot where no one else was. We took off our shirts and ran to the water.





We laughed as we kicked off our shoes and tore off our socks. We once again took to the water and began splashing each other. A wave came and nearly knocked Dalton over. I was worried until I saw him surface moments later with a big, confused grin on his face. I giggled at his adorableness. I looked away for a few seconds out at the water. When I looked back, Dalton was no where to be found.

"Dalton? DALTO-" I was yanked under water. I began to flail furiously against the water and whatever was holding onto my leg. I finally broke free and somehow got into a standing position. I ran out of the water fearfully calling out for my boyfriend when I saw him stand up and walk out of the ocean, laughing hysterically. Oh, no you didn't, I thought. Without warning, I tackled him down onto the sand. We rolled around a little bit, wrestling. Finally, I pinned him.

"This is what you get for scaring the hell out of me!" Dalton, still giggling, stared up at me with puppy dog eyes. I couldn't resist. I looked around to make sure no one could see us and I kissed him playfully.

"Well, if that's what I get for scaring you, I'm going to do it more often!" I rolled my eyes and got off of him. I held my hand out to help him up. He took it, and pulled me right back down. I fell next to him and we laughed.

"I love this day."

"Me, too. I don't ever want it to end." He looked at me with those beautiful green eyes. I gave him a half smile and kissed him. At first, it was just a simple kiss, but after a while, it got more passionate. As we got more and more into the kiss, I felt his hands rest on my back. Suddenly, we were hit by a wave. We kept kissing, but eventually I had to break it because I began laughing.

"Oh, my gosh. We're in a movie. This is a movie scene." He started giggling when I told him this. "Oh, Cole..." I loved being able to make him giggle.

After we got dressed again, we walked back to Dalton's house. We were drenched from the waist down, so we got changed and headed back out again. There was a county faire happening near by, so we thought we'd check it out. When we got there, we saw rides and games and all sorts of fun things to do. The sky was beginning to get dark as we bought our tickets and entered the faire.

The first thing we did was head straight for the mini-coaster. We strapped in and the ride began. We were in the very front, and as we rocketted around the rickety rails, Dalton slipped his hand into mine. We screamed as we went upside down and all around. When the ride was over, we got off and went to play some games.

Dart balloons was always fun. I had terrible aim, but Dalton was spot on. He was popping balloons left and right while I got two. I shrugged.

"I really suck at this."

"That's okay," Dalton replied, holding a huge teddy bear. He walked next to me and whispered "This is for you. I'll carry it." He took off ahead of me and I followed once again.

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