Chapter 8

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Hey, so I'm back and better than ever. I am starting to dedicate to my story's more. Because I know that it's frustrating to wait so long for a chapter to come out. Roll the chap.

Pic of Sar (pronounced Saar)--------------->

No, this can't be happening. It doesn't make sense how he can just die like that. I begin to cry, the wind from the explosion stinging my eyes. I feel wind go by me and a flash of green and brown. "Kyle, what are you...go get him......go get him and kill him." I think. I need to check on the others. Rachel is okay at least, she's tending to the others and their wounds. I should probably help Kyle with Zeke.

Kyle was struggling and dodging bullets, and trying to keep walls of stone up. 'Kane, Jade, I need you'r help.' 'On our way dearie.' 'Yeah, let's kick some Company butt.'

They appeared by my side a few seconds later.

I ran towards Kyle and Zeke, kicking Zeke in the face allowing Kyle to get out of the line of fire.

Zeke grabbed my foot swinging me around his back. I landed on the floor with a thud and a crack. I definitely broke my tibia. I used water to cover my arm and froze it to keep my arm from swelling. Kyle was about to attack Zeke, when he pointed his gun towards me.

Kyle jumped up in front of me as he fired. That idiot tried to get himself killed over me. I fell to my knees. Kyle's a good guy but he had horrible timing issues. I coughed up a little blood.

Zeke quickly took this time to leave he grabbed a rope ladder from a helicopter that flew down. He was gone.

Kyle was freaking out. Well, of course he was freaking out, his dad just now hit me.....Jack's dead. Dead. Gone. Jack. The man who taught me about my powers and helped describe them to me. Never to be seen again.

"NOOO!" Kyle screamed. He was hurting I wanted to comfort him. This was the second attack on this family and it will not be excused.

"What's going o-" Rachel asked will followed by Sar, Max, and Sam being held up by Max. She say Jacks body with Kyle sprawled out on it. "He can't be d-dead!?" Max said, the last word more like a whisper.

Sar was walking away and turned around she couldn't stand this. "We, need to give him a funeral." Sam spoke up.

"Your, right." I said. I already had an idea.


I'm glad Sar was able to do this even though it must be so hard for her.

The smell of burning flesh was rancid but it was the only way I knew to send him off properly.

Rachel was sobbing into Sam's shoulder. Max was crying like a man baby. Sar was trying to hide tears. And Kyle. God, poor Kyle. He was broken. He was sitting on a nearby rock just staring into an abyss. It broke my heart just to see him like this.

Two times. Two times we were attacked and the last one cost us our master. What are we supposed to do now. We're teenagers we sit at home on our phones not have to bury people killed by a secret organization.

"What's *sniffle* what's gonna happen to-to us?" Rachel sniffled out. Nobody answered her, we all just sat there and thought that very question. What will happen to us? Will we be killed later? No. No. NO! I will not let that happen to my family. Never. I just came here a few months ago but they are still my family.

I have a plan.

I will make sure we get revenge we will have their heads.

We will have his head.

I ran to the codex room right next to the house. I searched. I had to find something. Something to give us an edge.

I ran back to the group and laid it out, I unrolled the scroll and set rocks on it to keep it from coiling back up.

"Rachel, your good at reading this stuff, think you can help?" I asked her. "I can try." Good, this is good.

"It says that there are Sentinels of the Elements. They are reserved for high priests and elders, mostly leaders or great warriors. There are six in all, Water, Air, Electricity, Earth, Fire, and Life. They need to be earned by having the chosen take the required tests and rites." Rachel translated.

"Okay, well it's a plan then." I said cheerfully....too soon? "Hey, we don't know where they are." Sam spoke up. "No, there's a map showing the locations in ancient temples." Rach stated. "Oh, okay then."

"See, a plan." I said.

"Why are we doing this?" Kyle whispered, barely audible.

We all turned in unison surprised to see Kyle talking but not looking at us.

Why were we doing this? We're teens. We don't do this kind of stuff. But we want revenge, and teenagers are good at being stubborn.

"Because we gonna kill that son of a bitch." I said.

And I swear I saw a hint of a smile on Kyle's mouth.


Okay I'm sorry that I took forever to come up with this I was doing my drafts but I was thinking of a way to do this more often.

Jules: Finally I get more spotlight action!

BB: Oh, God, are we really doing the 'author, character convos' now?

Rach: Absolutely!

BB: Great.


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