Chapter 2.

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Today is April 4th, 2013 and I have officially lived in London for 4 Days. BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE! I'm really happy that I decided to move earlier to because i'll have a better feel for the city when I start Uni. My mom and dad call me everyday twice a day, yup, thats my life. Lexi and I hang out everyday because we dont really know anyone else in London but we are friendly with people we met in a club.

Today I'm meeting my family friend Nick Grimshaw. Hes a Radio 1 DJ, basically our parents are good friends. My mom and his mom atteneded Uni together and became bestfriends so Nick, Jake, Jamie, and myself are good friends. Age is but a number in our friendship. Haha. Fun fact Me and Nick are born on the same day, August 14th.  Anyway I'm meeting Nick at some random Sushi Place for Lunch worst part is I dont even like sushi.

*Skip To Lunch*

I walked into the resturant and imediatly gagged, ugh, I hate the smell of raw fish. I looked around to see if Nick had arrived yet, I sawhim sitting at a table towards the back.

"You must really hate me if you decided to meet for lunch at a sushi place" I said when i finally reachec the table. After our quick hug he replied, 

"Well you know just thought what can I do to torture Jenna today" We both started laughing.  This is our relationship he is like an older brother to me. 

"So how you liking it, where you living, give me the details, any guys?" Nick said in a fake girly voice

"No guys, but I love London, and my house is in Central London, I room with a girl called Lexi, its fun" i said still giggling over his voice.

"Thats good, where are you going to Uni again?"

"LCF, London College of Fashion, and i'm studying fashion journalism." I said excitedly.

"Okay calm down its like what 5 or 6 months till you start haha, havent been round your house lately, how the fam?"

"Good, Jamie got a job teaching Year 1 students in Bicester, Jakes in his 2nd year of Uni, and.." Nick cut me off, one of my pet peeves.

"Wheres he studying again, sorry for cutting you off" 

I couldnt help but laugh at how he knows me well enogh to know i was annoyed with him, " At Bristol, Philosophy or Buisness one of the two, haha, and I dont even want to tell you about my mom, she calls me everyday twice a day, one time is enough, but the worst part is she'll call me when i'm at work then yell at me when i answer her while i'm at work, jesus." Nick was cracking up as I explained this to him, probably because he can see my mom doing it. 

"Thats great, I can just see you, mid snog, and your mother calls," Nick said barely being able to breath. 

I just gave hime a death glare until he finally stopped laughing.

"Thats not funny, but anyway whats up with you?" I said slighly annoyed

"It was funny and you know it, but my lifes hasnt changed much still a DJ and everything, speaking of being a DJ I have an extra ticket to a concert tomorrow night you should come" He said all of a sudden serious

"First of all that has nothing to do with being a DJ and Second, whos concert?" I said curiosly.

"One Direction, its at The O2, Please come I dont want to be a loner at the concert." Nick begged.

"I like One Directions Music so why not? What time should i get their and when should i get the tickets" I asked semi excited now

"Well heres your ticket now, i was planning on asking you so i brought it," he said while hanfing me the ticket, " And get their around 8, thats when the show starts, I'll meet you at the seats cause Im meeting them backstage before, so yah ive got to got but i'll se you tommorow yah?" he said while getting up from his chair

"Yup Bye" I said as he left. Only then did i realie he left me to pay the Bill.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2013 ⏰

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