Behind the One Way Mirror

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The man walks a few feet away from automatic door so that it will close and leans on the wall with a sigh.  He rubs his forehead, collects himself, and turns a corner, walking into another door that leads to the room adjacent to the one he's just come from. 

"Welcome, to my beautiful home, sir," he is greeted by a middle-aged man facing a wall that shows the room he's just come from.

"Please, I'm too tired for sarcasm, Kramer.  Just tell me if there's anything new," the man says.  He rubs his eyes.

"I think I'll let my assistant do that.  Believe me, I'm tired of hearing my own voice repeating the same thing over and over, as lovely as it is," he replies. 

"Well, thank you for sparing me from that then.  Go ahead then Miss Arling," the slim brunette sitting at a table adjacent to Kramer looked up, startled.

"Uh, all right, sir.  Well, her vitals are as strong as they ever where, though we're a little worried about the injury to her torso.  Of course, nothing like that has ever stopped her before, but anything can happen.  It's being monitored and we're prepared to get some antibiotics into her if it's needed.  Aside from the slower healing, nothing has changed.  We've taken another skin sample from the tattoo site and it's being examined in the lab for any changes along with some blood, but nothing conclusive has been sent as of yet," she licks her lips nervously and smiles, the first time she's given an official report to him.

"Thank you.  That's what I suspected. Keep monitoring that injury, if something changes that'll let us know.  When the food gets here make sure to send it in right away, unaffected this time.  And I give my son full impunity in this situation.  Whatever he asks for, give it.  Ms. Orlavich and I have tried everything we can think of, no matter how crazy his ideas seem, let it happen.  I've got to go get some sleep," the man leaves the room.

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