Do I know you? OR I haven't updated in over a year AND I AM SO SORRY

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"I imagine you're a bit confused," the man, Nathaniel, says. 

No, what could have given you that idea? I think.  Did the fact that I'm locked in a room with a strange man who's probably going to interrogate me and I just got finished being interrogated by an apparently crazy woman tip you off? But of course I don't say this.  I have to know how best to play the situation to my advantage before I let something like that come out of my mouth.  This Nathaniel might be more sympathetic to someone innocent and frightened.  Then again, he might just think I'm weak.  Suddenly I realize he's still been talking and I've tuned him out.  What's happened to my training?

~~~~~~~  Nathaniel ~~~~~~~~~~~~

She's pulling the shy, innocent and scared "princess in distress" routine again.  She usually does just after she wakes up, unless she can see an opportunity to escape.  Then everyone in her way ends up with a punch in the mouth.  She seems to be more disoriented than usual though, and that worries me.  I wish we hadn't kept her under so long.  I've been talking but I'm not really sure what about, and it looks like she's been lost in her own little world as well.  

"A-are you all right?" I ask, kicking myself for stammering.  I clear my throat.  Her back once again becomes ramrod straight as she snaps her head up to look at me, then I see her wince and grope her abdomen. 

"Are you in any pain?" I ask.  I know exactly what's wrong.  I saw it happen.  But I can't let her know that yet.  I hate these times.  It's already happened twice, when they've put her under again before I can stop them, and they erase me from her memory.  I hate this.  So much.  And she looks so beautiful, for all the tenseness in her muscles and the anger on her features.  

"No," she answers firmly, and quickly molds her features back to a neutral expression. "I'm fine."

Oh Tatiana.  How I've missed you.

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