Carol's Story

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Carol's POV

Why do people bully? That's a question I ask my self every day.

Day after day I'm being bullied. No one does anything about it and no one cares. Friends? I don't have any. Family? I have none except my drunk mother. I'm completely alone with no one to talk to or anyone who will actually listen.

"Hey, Carol do you have a date for the dance yet?" A boy asked. I don't even know him and to answer his question I just shake my head.

"That not a surprise now is it? Your so ugly no one will want to" He said laughing at me. I just kept on walking with my head down. This was not the worse of it but I've been bullied so much it kind of doesn't even surprise me that even random kids I don't even know me bullied me.

Some days a lost soul decides to try and make a friend out of me. They talk and I listen, they ignore my introvert parts and try and change my ways, they meet a few friends who have the same interest and will be an actual friend and they start hanging out with them and they start hanging out with them and stop trying to me, sometimes they even try and have me be friends with them but that never works. I'm so used to it by now it's almost like a routine and some could argue that I bring this to my self, why don't just try? Maybe if you talked more? It's almost like you don't want any friends, maybe if you stop cutting your arms people won't think you're a freak, no harm I'm saying this because I care about you.

Yes, I do cut myself and no it's not for attention but rather for myself as a way to punish myself for being the way I am. I do try to cover them as much as I can, there's so many on top of each other it's just an ugly mess left to remind me of the mess I made of my life.

Today is the night of the dance. And I don't know why I even bothered to come I knew no one will ever ask me to dance or even talk to me. I hung around in the back watching the other have fun wondering why they chose me to stomp on and not any others. And what do they have that I don't? Well, that one was kind of easy I knew I wasn't pretty or even cute at the least but still is not fair to some extent.

Millions of thoughts were going through my head when a guy snapped me out of them

"Why are you hanging in the back?" He asked kind of shy.

I smiled sadly maybe he's nice, maybe he will actually stay, maybe this could actually work, or maybe not but at the moment I decide something different I try to not push him away so I answered with a shy,"I don't have a date"

Maybe it was my imagination but I thought I saw a bit of hope in his eyes.

"Would you care to dance with me then?" He asked holding his hand out

After a moment of hesitation, I went with it and held onto his hand.

We were Having a lot of fun but then obviously things had to go wrong and a big kid bumps into me making me bump against the table and it just so happen that the punch fell on me covering me in red.My sleeves of my dress somehow ripped in the process making me look like some time of horror movie character with the red punch on me that looked a lot like blood and ugly scars and cuts on my arms. In the moment it felt like everyone was staring at me with horror maybe a hint of disgust. I didn't have to look up to know my new friends was looking at me too. I didn't stick long enough to find out if he looked at me the same way.  There was a forest behind the school I've never been there but I ran there anywhere is better than there.

I was suddenly at an end of a cliff. I stop when I heard something behind me as a reaction of mine I jumped back, a little too much I guess because I slipped and fell to my dead.

John's POV

I've been in love with Carol ever since I saw her, I don't know call me crazy for falling for a girl who didn't even know about me. We talked a couple times but it's highly likely that she doesn't remember me. And after she ran out I decided I wasn't going to lose her after finally convincing myself to talk to her properly so I ran after her. When I got closer I saw she was at the end of the cliff everyone keeps talking about. I was about to warn her to be careful but  I stepped into a broken branch. I guess it started her because she slipped and fell. I ran to try to get her but I fell too. I wasn't worried because maybe I'll see her on the other side and we can finally be together.

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