Chapter Five: The King and His Daughter

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"THERE YOU ARE!" roared an angry voice, as the Sea King rose from his throne, trident in hand, and swam slowly towards Ariel.
"Daddy, I'm sorry," said Ariel. "I just forgot! I-"
"As a result of your reckless behavior..." said King Triton.
"Careless and reckless behavior!" said Sebastian from behind King Triton.
"The entire celebration was-"
"Ruined! Completely destroyed!" said Sebastian angrily. "Dis concert was going to be de pinnacle of my distinguished career..."
"Sebastian..." said Triton threateningly.
"It wasn't even Ariel's fault!" said Flounder. "Uh, we were gonna come back right away! But then the seagull started going on and on about dingleblats and human stuff-"
"Seagull?" asked Triton. Flounder covered his mouth with his fin, and hid in Ariel's long hair. "Human stuff?! You went up to the surface again! Didn't you? Didn't you?!"
"Nothing...happened," said Ariel sheepishly.
"Ariel, you could've been seen by one of those barbarians!" roared Triton. He lowered his voice a little and affectionately put his hand under Ariel's chin. "You're my youngest..."
"I'm sixteen years old!" shouted Ariel, as she pulled away from her father. "I can look after myself!"
"Don't you take that tone of voice with me, young lady!" said Triton, hot with anger again. "As long as you live under my ocean, you'll obey my rules!"
"Well, maybe I don't want to live in your ocean!" declared Ariel, face red with anger and fear.
Ariel tried her best to hold back her tears, but she couldn't. She burst into tears and swam out of King Triton's throne room hurriedly, followed by Flounder, hesitantly following after her.
"Agh!" said Triton. "She's as stubborn as a barnacle!"
"Teenagers," said Sebastian. "You give 'em an inch, dey swim all over you!"
"I can govern an entire kingdom," said Triton, "but I can't even control my own daughter."
"Ariel needs someone to watch over her," said Sebastian. "Keep her under constant supervision."
"Say, that's not such a bad idea," said King Triton thoughtfully.
"I'd say it's a right good one," said Sebastian.
"And you are just the crab to do it!" declared King Triton, as he began to swim out of the throne room.
"Me?" asked Sebastian. "But, Your Majesty, she's a clever mermaid! I'm just a crustacean!" He began to follow Triton out of the room. "Surely, you ought to pick someone higher up on de evolutionary ladder! Your Majesty!"

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