Chapter Twelve.

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Lind's Point of View.

I could smell it before I even had my eyes open.

I didn't need to hear the crackling in the frying pan to know that bacon was being cooked.

My stomach instantly began flipping and a sickly feeling was increasingly building up my throat. I quickly threw the blanket that was lying over me, off of my body and jumped, waking a napping Jimmy up in the process

Before he could even question what I was doing, I was running to the bathroom to be sick.

I pulled open the bathroom door as fast as I could, flinging myself to the ground. I just made it to the bathroom, a second later and I would have been sick all over Midge's carpet.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, my stomach stopped churning. I laid my head against the cold toilet seat, not even caring that it was a toilet. It was cold and it felt good against my burning skin.

"Babe?" I heard Jimmy's voice call, and I soon felt his hand rubbing circles into my back.

"I'm ok, Jimmy, it's probably something I ate." I told him. Shrugging off his hand, I slowly stood up.

Even though I was moving slowly, the room was spinning around me. Snapping my eyes shut, I took a couple deep breaths, trying to relax. When I opened them once again, I was thankful nothing was moving.

Frankly, I didn't know what had gotten me that sick. It's was like the second Brian and Midge stepped out of the front door, this huge pressure was thrust onto me. A pressure that made my whole body ache, my head spin, and just overall, mad me feel like death.

"Baby, I think you should go to the doctors." Jimmy's voice said, waking me from my thoughts.

As he looked me over, concern and worry consumed his face. I pulled a smile onto mine though, trying to convince him I was ok. I hated seeing Jimmy worried.

"I'm fine, really. There's no need to worry." I said, placing my hand on his shoulder. I trailed down until I had his hand in mine. As I laced our fingers together, I pulled us out into the living room.

Together, we walked into the kitchen, where the others were. The smell was getting worse as I got closer. Swallowing back the growing urge to vomit, I pulled out a stool and sat at the island, Jimmy hovering beside me.

"You ok, Linds?" Midge asked, while turning to look at me.

Not saying anything in fear that I'd get sick if I opened my mouth, I settled for a simple nod.

"What are you talking about, Midge? L.ook at her, she looks wonderful." Brian grinned, stepping closer to the island. "Do you want any?" He pushed the plate with hot food towards my face, the smell entering my nose even more.

My stomach lurched forward, just at the sight of it. The scent of it overwhelmed me, and I pushed myself off of the stool as fast as possible. Heading straight for the bathroom, I heard Brian laughing and the guys yelling at him as I buried my head in the toilet, being sick once again.

"Baby, I'm taking you to the doctors. I'm not taking no for an answer." Jimmy said, as he picked me off of the ground and into his arms.

"No, Jimmy, please. You know I hate doctors." I whined, as I looked up at him. But, of course, he gave me a worrisome look, telling me instantly he wasn't going to let me out of this.

"Jimbo, we can take her." Charlotte popped up in front of us, giving a small smile. "I wouldn't mind getting out of this house."

Jimmy looked down at me and then back to charlotte, obviously contemplating Charlottes offer.

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