Morning After : Chapter 12

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Kate's POV

    I put on a pair of my favorite running shorts, and one of my over sized t-shirts. I walked down the long staircase, awaiting the super awkward breakfast.

"Ah, my legs!" I muttered under my breath.

I made it to the bottom of the stairs, to see Shae sitting on the couch in the opened up living room.

"So I heard about what you did last night." She said casually flipping through various channels.

"Oh come one! You know too!" I groan.

    I walked over to the couch, and jumped down next to Shae. She looked down at me and smirked. I leaned my head onto her shoulder, and she spoke.

"Breakfast is in the dining room." She almost laughed.

"But Dick, Jason, and Tim will be in there!" I whined.

"I'll go with youuuuuu..." She smiled.

"Fine." I sighed.

    I slowly got up from the couch and shuffled next to Shae, and we soon made it into the dinning room, I saw Dick, Tim, and Jason all sitting at the table sipping from coffee mugs.

"Look who decided to show!" Tim smiled.

"How's loverboy?", Jason teased.

"Just fine!" I scoffed.

    I looked down at the table to see a old looking newspaper. I smile a little bit, and Picked it up. I threw it at Dick, and he practically fell out of his chair.

"Hey! What was that for!" He yelled.

    I shrugged, and walked past the boys, and into the kitchen. I saw Alfred at the stove cooking something. I walked past him, and got a granola bar from the cabinet, and sat down in a chair by the counter.

"I suppose you had a good time last night Miss Kyle?" Alfred questioned me.

"Sure" I somewhat smiled his way, knowing that somehow he knows everything about every person that has ever set foot in this manor.

    I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. I plopped down on the couch and started to flip through random channels. I turned the volume down a bit because I could hear Shae lecturing the boys.

"You guys should be more considerate!", She started.

"Especially you Dick! Remember the first time we did it and you were too scared to go downstairs and get breakfast because you thought your brothers would make fun of you? I ended up having to get it and bring it up for you! Good thing you don't do that anymore!", She scolded smacking the back of his head. Jason started to laugh.

"Quit it Todd! I've heard the noises that come from your room!", Shae scolded pointing at Jason. She turned around and sashayed out of the room. She appeared in the doorway and sat down next to me.

"Why is your girlfriend so hot?", Tim asked Dick with googly eyes.

"Shut it Tim! Your lucky I don't pummel you!", Dick yelled smacking Tim with the newspaper I threw at him.

"ACK! What gives!" Tim said rubbing the side of his face.

"You called my gf hot! Not cool dude. She's a taken bacon... not a single pringle!", Dick smirked at his own joke. "And she's taken by me... so don't even think about it!

"Whatever man...", Tim sighed sipping his coffee. "Just watch your back... and your girl!"

"Like she'd ever do you!", Dick scoffed. I laughed at his comment.

"I don't know why, but I get so turned on when he gets protective...", Shae smirked. She got this look in her eye... She seemed determined.

"Ewww! If those are your thoughts, keep them to yourself!", I giggled lightly punching her arm.

"Don't act like you don't have them too!", Shae reasoned. That made me think of last night...

"Fineee, you got me!", I laughed. Suddenly, Damian appeared, casually walking down the stairs. Immediately, the boys started to coo.

"Oooo! Look who it is!", Jason started.

"My, my! Dr. Love is in! Ready for your checkup Kate?", Tim teased.

"Would you two grow up already?!", said Damian. He seemed fed up with his brothers. "Do you have anything to say Grayson? Might as well say it now!"

"Nope! I'm good.", Said Dick sipping his coffee. I could tell he was holding in a laugh.

"Really?" Jason smirked poking his side.

Dick couldn't hold it in anymore. He spit his coffee everywhere and started hysterically laughing. He spit the coffee all over Damian, and he didn't look so happy.

"I'll handle this... ", Shae said confidently getting up off the couch. I watched as she walked into the kitchen.

    Everyone stared at her as she approached Dick who was on the floor dying of laughter. She knelt down and gripped his tee shirt. She locked his lips with hers and kissed him with passion. She let go of him and stood up, leaving Dick on the floor, in shock.

"Always shuts him up... ", she muttered. 

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