You're Not Going Anywhere Without Me - Niam

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                Liam has never anticipated his life circling the drain.

                He grows up in Wolver Hampton, the only kid in school with any real ambitions in life. Report cards littered with straight A’s, captain of the mathletes, Liam is a stereotype. Everyone knows him as “the kid who is definitely going to be something,” and he does become something. But not something he likes.

                Liams walks home from school every day. It is his senior year, and every day he must pass the same alleyway. One day, piercing cries emanate from within, and Liam almost thinks about calling the police. But no one is getting hurt. Well, not physically anyways.

                “Please, I’ll get the money to you tomorrow, I swear on my mother’s life, please,” he hears someone beg. The boy looks young, and he is on his knees in front of a shady man who is holding a bag of white powder. Liam’s heart rate multiplies by ten and he gasps, because holy shit, he is watching a drug deal go down. The man chucks one of the bags at the boy’s face and spews a few words nothing short of purely vile, threats and curses spilling past his lips. The boy runs out, his eyes red and his body thin. Liam’s eyes grow wider and his stomach more knotted, because he recognizes the boy. He knows this boy.

                   Harry Styles is his name, a boy with big green eyes, curly brunette hair, and a GPA almost as high as Liam’s. Harry is a good kid, a nice kid. Liam wonders how he ended up here, ripping up the knees of his jeans on the rugged ground, begging for drugs. Maybe he isn’t as put together as he seems.

                         Every few days, Liam walks home and sees the same scene unfold before him. Most of the time Harry has money, and the days he doesn’t, he walks out of the alley with a black eye resting upon his face, making his sea colored irises look even bigger than they already do. Liam sometimes wants to say something, but he can’t manage to spit out the words. What words is he even supposed to say?            

                    Liam finds himself stressed out more than usual, tests and college prep are becoming overwhelming. Gray hairs find their way into his brown locks, and stress lines pepper his skin. Harry looks peaceful whenever he comes to school the next morning after snorting, too high to tell where he is. And hey, Harry is still alive, right? It’s been weeks, months, and Harry is still going. Could whatever Harry’s taking really be that bad?

           So Liam goes ahead and tries it, starting from the bottom- Marijuana.

          A blunt once or twice a week and suddenly Liam isn’t rigid all the time. He is loose, he is free, he is high off of his ass, and it feels amazing. But then a blunt once or twice a week isn’t doing it anymore.

          Suddenly it’s a blunt four times a week.




          Cough Syrup.

          Sleeping pills.



       Harry becomes Liam’s best friend, and soon he meets Zayn Malik, a junkie with a taste for heroin. Then he meets Louis Tomlinson, who he’s never really ever had a decent conversation with. And soon Liam realizes the addiction is indiscriminately tearing them all apart; Zayn, a Pakistani boy stuck in an arranged marriage he doesn’t want with an overbearing father breathing down his neck. Harry, whose father beats him into never land any chance he gets. Louis, a young teenager who grew up too fast, a boy who'd gotten a girl knocked up at sixteen and then skipped town because he couldn’t handle it. Liam, a golden boy turned to rust. The addiction is going to destroy them each, one by one, poking holes all over their willpower and aspirations and waiting until they all simply deflate, leaving nothing but remnants.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2013 ⏰

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