Buck-Fudging-ham Palace?

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We are in the car, driving to the Andersons.

According to Eves their house isn't far but we've been driving for what seems like hours.

I check my watch.


oh gods

I cant believe that its only been 3 minutes!

Wow...I think I'm going crazy. If I'm crazy now, how crazy am I going to be when I have to look after 5 teenagers.

Speaking of which....

"Eves, why are we babysitting a bunch of teenagers?"

"Uh, lemme think...", she replies in a mock thinking voice.

"Oh, yeah, because they're hot?", she tells me as if I was the stupidest person ever.

"Wow Everlee, just wow", I reply.

"I know I'm great", she states in an arrogant tone, obviously pretending not to notice my sarcasm.

"No really, they're teenagers, why can't they handle themselves?", I question, "I mean, one's practically a legal adult".

She looks at me, catching on to my seriousness.

"I actually don't know...", she trails off.

"I only took the job for two reasons", I raise an eyebrow at this. "One; because I know you've dreamt of this job since, forever, for some unknown reason".

aww, so sweet

my conscience says, and I agree.

she continues, "And reason number two is just because they're good looking".

I take that back

I laugh at my mind.

Wait, is it crazy-like to laugh at your mind?

oh well, who knows.

me! that's who!

Ok, now I'm thinking I'm crazy...


"...wow", is all I can say at the magnificent stature infront of me.

"Well....they have a nice....house", my motionless friend states.

"Oh, no that is not a house, that is a castle...", ok I might have exaggerated a little bit, but you get the picture.

a little bit?

ok, I exaggerated a lot. Happy?


Sometimes I wonder if im the only person this happens to, I mean, its like there is another person in my brain...I think I'll call him BOB

What? my conscience will be a boy, so what?


I press on the doorbell thingy at the gates, infront of the house.

"may I help you?"

"AAAHHHH!", I scream bloody murder.

"What the hell is that?!", I whisper yell to Eve.

"I have no fudging idea but that scared the shit out of you", She replies in amusement.

I gave her the 'finger salute' but she just laughed in reply.

"Hello?", the doorbell thingy buzzed again.

"Omg!", Eves said with that 'ohmigawd I know what one plus one is!' look.

Babysitting The AndersonsWhere stories live. Discover now