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The girl realized that it was a phone that he had put in her hands before shoving her outside. It had a rectangular shape, and unlocked itself once she had put her finger on the circular button near the bottom of the phone. It showed only a couple of applications, but it still gave her a bit more humanity. She slid it softly into her pocket and continued moving forward.

The door had placed her in a wide field of grass. To her left—a city. To her right—a huge forest.

Could Dagger be in either one?

Suddenly, something started to vibrate violently against the side of her thigh. She froze, as she didn't know what it was.

Is it the phone? It couldn't be...

She reached for it and pulled it up to her face, it still vibrating. She peered at the screen. It read 'Evan' in big white letters. There were also two circles—one red and one green.

W-which one do I choose? Green must be the good one... r-right?

She lightly tapped on the green circular button.

"Hello? Vanessa, are you alright?" She heard the phone talk.

"AAAAYEE!" She screamed, dropping the phone into the pile of grass that she stood in.

"Vanessa, pick up the phone from the ground." Shaking, she did so, holding it in her hands loosely.

"Now, hold it up to your ear. You'll hear me better like this." The phone and her ear were now touching.

"Not so close, sweetie. Move it back a bit. There, that's better." She sighed and plopped onto the ground, sitting in the direction that looked towards the city. She only groaned softly, feeling a bit sad.

"What's the matter?"

"I d-don't think..."

"You don't think you can do this? Listen, it'll be easy, and-"

"But I don't know anything about this world!" There was a moment of silence from the phone, and then another sigh.

"It's OK. I figured you weren't ready. You're going to have to be strong. This has been assigned to you as your mission. You must complete it, no matter what. I will help you the best I can. All you have to do is call me, OK?" The girl stood up and nodded.

"Alright, E-Evan. It'll be OK."

"Good. And you can always come back here, if you want. You'll always find your way here."

"OK, thank you."

"No problem. OH! And one more thing. Beatrice told me something very unique about you. You're able to photosynthesize."

"To do... w-what, now?"

"Oh, of course you don't know what that means. Whenever there is sunlight, you will take in energy. It's around four in the morning now, so you won't be able to get any energy, at least for right now. And even though you have this special ability, you will still need to eat. Got it?"

"I-I understand."

"Good. see you soon then, my child." Evan hung up the phone, and it was placed back into her pocket once more.

"Hmm... I guess I'll head to the city then..." Vanessa said, getting up and slowly making her way there.

I will complete my mission...


"What do you mean, you don't know where she is? She was here two days ago!"

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