Chapter 7

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TFBOYS and (y/n) enterd the restaurant, where Axel's party was held. When they got in, Axel walked to them. They talked for a moment.

".... Come on, guys. Let's go up to the stage with me," said Axel excitedly to TFBOYS.
"For... for what?" asked Jackson.
"Just to introduce you to all my friends that you guys and I are now good friends," continued Axel.

(y/n) whispered and signed with her fingers. She suggested her bestfriends not to follow Axel. But they just said that it was okay. They followed him.

"Hi to all of my friends. To begin this birthday party, I wanna introduce you all my special guest. Here is, TFBOYS," said Axel as a sign that the party had begun. All the crowds clapped.

"They're very special because when we first met each other, we got along with each other very well," he continued. The crowds clapped even harder while (y/n) just rolled her eyes at him.

"Let's welcome them by drinking the alcohol that has been served. For those who can't drink are prohibited to drink it. Well, of course, it is a must for all the TF's members," he continued again.


"... it is a must for all the TF's members."

I was very shocked when I heard Axel said those words to us. I could also see Jackson and Roy's faces. They were a bit hesitant right then.

I couldn't imagine what the taste would be. Was it sweet? Or bitter? Or even tasteless? Um, I was a bit scared. But I really wanted to try.

Axel handed me a glass full of it and forced me to drink.

"Ah, nevermind, Karry. Just try a little bit!" I said in my heart.

I followed my heart and took a little sip of it. And get this, it was very addicting! 1 glass. 2 glasses. 3 glasses. 4 glasses.

-(Y/N)'S POV-

I was sitting at the edge of the room when the crowds were dancing. They were all drunk! Anyway, I was very surprised when I saw Karry drunk with Jackson and Roy. They seemed like controlled him not to messed anything up.

I walked to them to check Karry's condition.

"OMG, Karry? Stop it!" I said as I sat there at their table.

Karry ignored me and took another sip again and again.

I looked at him in amazement. Why was my best buddy who I love had become like that?

I could see Axel was coming to us. He greeted us and asked TFBOYS to choose a dare in his box. Well, it was kinda like 'truth or dare' game but this time they only used 'dare'.

Jackson got 'hug a girl'. And because he was very confused, he hugged me immediately. It wasn't awkward 'cause we were best friends!

And then Roy's turn. He got 'take a pic with a girl'. So yeah, he took a picture with me. Again, it was a normal thing 'cause we usually took photos together at school.

And then, it was Karry's turn. He got 'kiss a girl'! After he read his dare, he looked at me, came closer to me and kissed me on my lips! I was very very very shocked! Like, literally shocked! Why he did this to me?

The kiss was very long. The alcohol's smell got into my nose and I really couldn't stand it anymore. I pushed him hard. I could see Axel's evil smile. Then, he left us.

I told Jackson and Roy to go home now and they nodded. I called Karry's driver immediately.


When we were on the way home, I was looking at the window's car.

"We're sorry, (y/n)."

I could hear Jackson and Roy voices, breaking the silence. But I didn't replied or said any words to them. I was extremely sad, angry and tired at the same time.

Anyway, we dropped Jackson first at his house.

"Do you want us to accompany you, (y/n)?" Jackson asked.
"No, thanks."

After that, we dropped Roy at his house.

When I arrived at Karry's house, I screamed his parents' names. But there was no reaction. I opened the door and the house was very quiet. His parents weren't home yet. So I guided him, who was half asleep, to his room.

I put him on his bed immediately. I couldn't handle my tears right then, so I cried and was so mad at him that I wanted to slap his face.

"Why, why did you do such a stupid thing to me, Karry? Since I knew you, you were one of the nicest and kindest person ever. Not like this. But you just did what you shoudn't have done to me. I just can't believe it," I muttered at him as I covered my wet eyes with my little hands.

I swiped my tears with my hands and went out from his room. I left his house and walked home by myself.

In my room, I was still crying and crying, just to think about Karry. I barely realized that he was such an impressionable guy. He still followed what Axel wants even though I told him not to do it. Anyway, I didn't sleep that night because my tears kept coming out.

to be continued...

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