the magic comes to our world

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The magic comes to our world

*a man walks into a psychiatrist's office*psychiatrist*ok well since you're here early I guess we can talk about what happens 20 years ago *me*alright well one day in school I was in the gym with my friends holding a basket ball and we'll we got into an argument and I walked away you see I went to go sit down and when I did the basketball started to move on its own a little bit I was scared but then the ball started to crack like a chick coming out it's egg. Well I was so scared I couldn't even move I was thinking to myself am I breaking this ball and then it happened a little baby pony was laying in my lap crying and as loving as I was what did I do I held it close to my body trying to get it to stop and we'll it opens its eyes and look at me and just stopped crying of course I was scared sh**less but I didn't know what else to do. So since I was scared I got up and ran I got out of my p.e. clothes and into my normal clothes and I ran out of school I wouldn't ditching but this had to be an exception to leave school if that wasn't then I don't know what is and I *I get cut off by the psychiatrist*you don't have many details please I want all the details *me*ok ok well my mom came to pick me up after I called her *mom*what is so important for you to leave school like this you can't just be leaving it's high school *me* I know mom I know but look at this...thing *I unravel the little sleeping pony from my jacket and my mother sees it*mom*what the hell is that *me*that's the point I don't know, what it is but it looks like a pony a little pony at that *mom*when we get home I'm calling someone about this *me*NO YOU CAN'T if scientists hear about this then they will take her from me and try to find out what she is and how she got here *mom*it's a girl? *me*yes I already checked I like the way she looks with half of her mane blue and the other side brown and her body blue and her eyes are yellow *mom*well what are you gonna do with it *me*I don't know raise her and keep her from the public...Oh no *mom* what what happened? *me*everyone in gym class saw her but I think everyone thought she was a doll and I was crying *mom*well I don't know about that son but keep her from the public and you're raising her *me*HA with your help I've never been a father I'm 16 *mom*are u sure about that *me*duh...hey what's that supposed to mean *my mom laughs and says*I'm just kidding I'm just kidding but yes I will help you but you're doing everything else *me*yeah yeah I got it but should we give her a name *mom*well I guess so if you're gonna raise it *me*yeah but what should I name it *mom*what about that name you wanted to give your daughter when you grow up *me*oh midnight yeah that's a good name midnight *we get home and midnight wakes up and starts crying*me*oh what's wrong *mom*she might be hungry I'm gonna run to the store and buy some diapers and some milk...I can try to find horse milk Idk if I can though *me*ok just try to hurry I don't want her being hurt or die *my mom walks out of the house and comes back 10 minutes later to me sleeping on my bed next to midnight and she takes a picture and posts it on Facebook I wake up only a half hour later to see the post on Facebook*me*MOM TAKE THAT OFF FACEBOOK DONT U REMEMBER WE NEED TO HIDE HER *mom*they will think it's fake like u got a new plushie or something or Photoshop *me*u better hope so if not this is your fault *me talking to psychiatrist*and well 5 years past by and there was a lot of diaper changing and feeding her but I got used to it anyway just before her 6th birthday came some sort of special ops squad came and we'll *people break through the door with guns and I go and hide in my room with a pistol*midnight*dad what's going on *psychiatrist*wait she could talk a horse could talk *me*yes and don't interrupt me any way *they come into my room and I pop out to get their attention and I get out of the room by sliding under one guy's legs I turn around and shoot him but I miss and he knocks me down to the floor he points his gun at me but his buddy pushes the gun away*squad man 1*the boss said don't take any casualties and besides he's a kid not a target were here for the pony *squad man 2*fine but he has a gun *I get up and I hear midnight scream because they found her *me*MIDNIGHT *I pick up my gun and I attempt to shoot one of them but one of them shoots me in the shoulder and I hold my shoulder but I get my gun aim it at one of the guys shoot once and injure one but another guy hits me in the face with his gun and I get knocked out. I wake up the next day in the hospital*me*midnight...mid...night *the nurse walks in and she says*well look who's awake nice to see your not in a coma *some guys in suits walk in the room and push the nurse out one of them sits down next to me *me*who are you and what do u want *???*I'm no one but what I want from you is the name of the spec ops that took someone close to you *me*I don't know who they were they just barged in the room but I think they were some sort of C.I.A agents or someone from the army that's all I know *???*well we would need more information on the guys who took that pony look we Inspected the place and we found blood another person's blood we have the guys house under surveillance once he comes home then we kidnap him bring him to our base and question him *me*wait wait wait what's even going on right now *close up of guys face while he takes off his sunglasses*???*we're going to get her back *radio*we have captured the guy we are going after and we are bro hung him in for investigation he put up quite a fight he killed a few guys we had to taze him a few times *???*alright we are taking our contact in to question him *me*am I even supposed to be leaving the hospital and I'm still confused on what's goin on *???*sorry no time to explain Oh I almost forgot *he takes out a needle and puts it in my arm*me*HEY what was...that *???*well our base is a secret sorry we can't risk you putting our base on the internet *I fall asleep and I wake up sometime later in another hospital bed but in a very secure hospital at that*me*well I don't feel any better *I get up and I get out of the hospital gown and into my clothes*???*well I see your up and active we put a better cast on your shoulder there you can freely move your arm just not up to high would you like to see one of the men who took the *I cut him off*me*YES I WOULD also give me a gun I'll make him talk *???*here you go just don't kill him *me*oh he'll want to be dead for what I do to him *we walk into the interrogation room and the army guy widens his eyes*army man*I knocked you out and shot you how are you alive *me*turns out you're a lousy shot *army man*my a** *me*look if you tell me where your base is and where midnight is you'll still have all your bits and Bobs *army man*I'd rather die than tell you *???*I'll just be out here *he walks out and I walk behind the army man and break one of his fingers by bending it backwards and he yells*me*want me to tear it off next! *army man*I'll never tell you ANYTHING *me*hmmm what is a man's weak point hmmm *army man thinks in his head*he's gonna go there is he?*me*ah I got it if you don't tell me now I'll shoot something off u desperately need *I point the gun at him*army man* f**k you if you think you scare me your*I shoot him in the nuts and he screams louder than any man has ever screamed before*me*I'll come back when ur done screaming for all the kids you could have had *I walk out of the room and stand by the window*me*yeah you might want a medical team in there he could bleed out *???*already on their way oh by the way you are brutal oh cuz of that you deserve to know my name my name is Lightning blitz you call me blitz short though I won't mind *me*alright blitz nice to meet you *blitz*nice to meet you too but what is your name *me*my Comet Wolf call me comet though or wolf whatever is fine with you *the medical team walks in and they patch him up and make him fall asleep*blitz*wanna go grab a doughnut or something from the lunch room *me*yeah let's go I'm hungry *we come back a half hour later and I walk into the interrogation room and I smack the guy in the back of the head now you wanna tell me where she is *army man*you're gonna need to do a lot more than that to get things out of me *I walk to the door and I throw a knife at him and it cuts his hair and penetrates the wall behind him*me*that's going in your skull next *I walk out*blitz*hey I have a mission for you to do another one of those spec ops was found running from one of our men it's a woman this time she knows what happens to him in there if she gets to her base then we'll be in very big trouble but we can see where her base is if we track her but then if we get to close we will be killed so this is your choice either kill her so we are safe or find her base and probably get in a major fight against them and it won't be easy but it won't be hard *me*that made absolutely no sense but I will do the mission for you *blitz*alright go into the planning room we have her daily schedule written down and where she is right now so I'd suggest hurrying *me*yeah yeah I got it *I walk away and go into room and there is no one in there but me*me*thought I'd have a little help I guess not *I set plans down on the table*me*ok let do this *an hour of planning later*me*finally done ok so when she stops to get something to drink for her squad I sneak in the back of her car and I get up and I tell her to drive to her base and get me inside then when she does. I sneak in with the children in the base taking the tour then I sneak in the intelligence room find where they took midnight and get out now the hard part I have to hop on a helicopter that will fly away plant a bomb on board jump out blow it up and parachute to the boat waiting for me on shore and blitz takes me to safety and I'm home free *blitz walks in* good plan man *me*I'm ready to roll how bout you *blitz*oh yeah I got people ready for you right now to command *me*awesome blitz *someone walks in*man*sir's the man told us were the first base is it's in London he didn't tell us where to go to find it in London though *we all get into the operation room *me*ok men we are going in undercover so I'm limiting is all to a pistol with a silencer and a small machine gun with no silencer you can put a silencer if you want I won't care. But, we all need to look like tourists so we wont suspected for anything and if your wondering about our guns they won't be detected by metal detectors I have placed jammers in your guns  so they won't take them away we go in and I ask "are there any rare animals here" and if they show us where midnight is then I'll detonate the E.M.P(electromagnetic pulse) and when the lights cut out we open fire take midnight and smuggle her out of there *man*how will we get out of there without being caught *me*we time the leaving time to the time we take midnight *woman*well uh what is midnight anyway she came out of an egg but is a alicorn horse *me*if was  dimensional rift that's how she was brought here *man*this seems to risky I don't want to do this *me*look you have family out there I have family out there everyone has family out there things may go wrong at times but there is only one shot at almost everything you only get one shot at life so you should make your life a good one you hear me if you don't want to fight for a little girl's life then back out because I love that pony in there what if your love life or child was in there and people didn't want to save them so either help us or leave *man*well sh*t I'll fight for that *everyone in the room chears*me*well thank you all ok there is a bus leaving tomorrow so let's get ready everyone is dismissed *blitz*good speech *me*well I had to get them to do this somehow because it won't be so simple most of us might not make it back alive *blitz*count on it we will *me*I hope so *the next day we arrive at the base*blitz*remember what we have to do ok if the plan goes south then make you stick to evacuate protocol *army doctor walks up to me and says*hello young man I have something that might interest you this is a very rare animal I can tell you like animals *me*well yes that is quite true *doc*well if Your father could come with us to see it then we would offer a price to the animal *blitz*sure I'll come with him we were looking for a pet anyway *doc*great come with me *he takes us into a tunnel under the base to a rare species of dog *me*nah I was thinking something more of a horse like a baby pony got any of those *doc*yes we just received one actually follow me *he takes us and I see midnight in some sort of cellar but there is a big observation window*me*ooooo what about that one I like that one *doc*ah yes that one is something under investigation but I can sell it to you what do you think is a good price *the lights cut out*me*for free *I shoot the doc and I bust into the room where midnight is and we hear gunfire coming outside the tunnel*blitz*COME ON LET'S GO THE PLAN IS STARTING *me*ALRIGHT ALRIGHT I'M TRYING TO WAKE HER UP SHES ASLEEP *blitz*NOT THE BEST TIME JUST GRAB HER *me*ALRIGHT IM COMING *I grab her and we run outside to see all of our guys guarding the tunnel*me*WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE *man*WE AREN'T LEAVING WITHOUT YOU LET'S GO *woman*ALL WE HAVE ARE PISTOLS HOW DO WE WIN THIS *me*THERE SHOULD BE A SNIPER TEAM COMING IN RIGHT ABOUT NOW *man 2*WELL THAT'S CONVENIENT ISN'T IT WE HAVE THE FUN AND THEY GET TO WATCH *me*LET'S JUST MOVE *woman 2*18 TANGOS SPOTTED 9 O'CLOCK *blitz*THERE ARE A LOT OF MEN HERE *me*A LOT MORE THAN I THOUGHT *woman 2*WE NEED BETTER COVER *me*MASSIVE COVER BY THE TOWER TO THE EAST *we all move over to the tower with one man being injured blitz starts tending to the man and wraps bandages over his wound*me*we need to get out of here now *blitz*if you didn't realize they have the home advantage and we don't *woman*sir’s we found a tank on the inside of the tower it's prepped and ready to *she gets shot in the head*me*NO *I grab a machine in that is on the wall and I spray at the enemy killing only a few of them*blitz*STOP IT you'll be shot then this whole mission would be for nothing we need to get to that tank get in and blow up everything *me*no there are rare and endangered animals here we need to come back and *blitz cuts me off*would you rather let animals die or us humans they can't work they can't do anything we can we have families that need us home right now and look where we are fighting alongside you getting that little one back. so what are you gonna do *me*...alright let's get out of here together *blitz smiles and then we run to the tank and only a few others could fit inside it's me, blitz, 2 women, and 2 other men the others are gonna have to find another way out I feel bad just leaving them behind like that*me*I don't like this something feels off why grab this tank and illuminate us *blitz*I don't know comet I really don't know *me*we need to breach the walls and get out of this thing *blitz*I know and that's what we're gonna do then we're gonna blow it up *me*I love explosions *blitz puts an explosive shell straight through the outer wall blowing it up we pass through the opening in the wall and we go behind a hill so they can't see us*blitz*alright I'm putting down a very dangerous explosive this will blow up the tank only so we won't be harmed when we run for it I have a detonated so we need to go now before the enemy gets over here *me*true lets go I'm surprised midnight is still asleep through all this *blitz*she's probably drugged that's why she's still asleep *me*those monsters hurting the one I love she's just a kid *blitz*to them she's just a another alien specimen ready to be tested on not thinking about their feelings *me*some people are monsters *blitz*even some of the people we trust can be monsters sometimes even our parents can be the monsters *me*true we need to get out of here as long as we're In here were open targets we may be in a tank but we can still blow up *blitz*ok ok there is a small hill with a tunnel system go down there and run along the south wall I'll meet you there ok I promise and if I don't meet you there get back home got it *me*you better make it down there *blitz*I will trust me *me I get out of the tank and run for the underground tunnel system I get down there and I wait and wait and wait and after what seemed to be a half hour he showed up but not how I pictured him he was covered in blood...his own blood he was covered in bullet holes and he was missing one arm*me*BLITZ ! *blitz*told you I would make it back *me*yeah but I ment in one piece *blitz*look I'm not going to be here for much longer and I need to tell you take care of your little girl there keep her safe *me*I will I promise blitz please don't *he collapses to the floor and he says his final words to me that I'll never forget*you know she's not from this world and I won't be in this world anymore return her when she wakes up tell her to keep good care of you you hothead *he laughs and then he dies*me*I'll come back for your body I promise fly free my friend *I run and run for about an hour and I collapsed from being so tired I land on my back and midnight wakes up*midnight*DADDY you found me oh they were so mean to me *me*midnight I'm glad your ok I missed you and I worried about you every second you were gone *midnight*I missed you o daddy *I start crying*daddy don't cry I'm here now *I get up and say*let's go home shall we *midnight*yeah let's go home *over the past 20 years she stayed with me after a while I tryed finding her a way home but I have no idea where she even comes from but I've got to say she has grown up so much she has beautiful blue and brown hair cute yellow color eyes and these horn and wings more powerful than any other creature on earth well I don't know any other animal with a horn besides a narwhal then it happens her way home opened up some girl came through a portal that's in the statute by canterlot high*me*midnight now I know you don't want to go but you have to go you won't survive here any longer you could die *midnight*then how am I still alive I'll be fine here dad I don't want to leave *me*honey I know and please don't cry I hate seeing you like this *midnight*I'm not going dad I'm not *me*sweet pea I know you don't want to but you will be with your own kind you won't have to hide anymore you can be free and live happy *midnight*but *sniff*I'm happy here with you *I hug her and whisper in her ear*as long as we don't say goodbye it'll just be till next time because I know I'll see you again it may be a while but I will see you it's a promise *midnight*ok dad I'll go I love you dad *me*I love you too *she grabs her stuff and she walks through the portal*psychiatrist*well that is an interesting story I can tell you that you will see her again and very soon *me*I hope so next time I do I'll be the happiest man in the universe *the door opens and midnight walks in after 20 years of being gone*midnight*sorry to interrupt but I need to see my father *me*mid...midnight *I smile I run up to her and I hug her* THE END

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