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Lacy rose pov
Did he just ask me to be his girlfriend. OMG. I kissed him. And when we pulled he said the same thing he said when we first started dating , " I'll take that as a yes."
One week later....................
Miasia twisted her ankle. Oh boy. That means she can't perform. I went by the hospital and brought her flowers. I hated seeing her like that. Ughhh. I stayed with her until Jack came. If the next dance we do turns out bad then I will not get my certificate in hip hop. Ughh. Why me. I walked into dance rehearsal and Adrianna and Maria were arguing. No! " Come on girls get it together! " my dance instructor yelled. We practiced until our legs were hurting. All our boys were there encouraging us. Shawn must have noticed that i was jumpy and nervous." Don't worry you will get your certificate." he said hugging me and kissing my cheek. Okay the show is in a few hours. Me and Shawn went his house. He wanted to record us singing his new song stitches. When we got there i changed out of my dance clothes. When i was done Shawn hugged me from behind and started kissing me. " Ready "he asked. I nodded.

It was so hard to stay serious. Wow. Shawn is so attractive when he sings. When we finished and just wanted to be in his arms. We hugged really tight. Then he lifted my head up gently and kissed me passionately. I felt my face hot. Wow. He still gives me butterflies in my stomach. " thanks " he said. " Did i say that out loud?" I asked. He nodded and laughed. Finally I was time to perform in front of the principal. Well it was going good. I remembered all the moves. Until the girls started arguing behind me. I froze. What were they thinking. "stop! I've seen enough ." the principal said. I stood silent as she left. I pushed my back against the wall and slid down. I closed my eyes as tears slid down my face. Why me. The girls were still yelling at each other. The assistant principal handed me a note. The note basically stated that I was unable to get my certificate in hip hop. I crumbled it into a ball and threw it. Then I kicked a chair. They were still Arguing. "ENOUGH! I AM TIRED OF YOU TOO ARGUING OVER NONSENSE! AND NOW I LOST MY CHANCE TO GET MY CERTIFICATE . " i yelled. I have never heard my self yell like that. Ever. I ran to my practice room and cried.
Cameron's pov
I chased after Lacy. I have never seen her that mad before. When I finally found what room she was in I was glad I came in time. She had broke a piece of the mirror and tried to cut her vain. I told he to stop and slapped the broken glass out her hand. " Listen little sis. I never want you to every do that to yourself. You are a beautiful and talented girl. It will take a little work but you will get your certificate." That seemed to do the job. He wrist was slightly bleeding but she didn't cut her vain. I am so relieved. I just hope this whole depression thing goes away.

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