Just A Cat

64 13 5

Taylor Hill as Melody

"I hit the cat" Mark whispered over and over again as if he couldn't believe what he had just done. Mark finally took his eyes of the rotting cat and looked over at me, then to the ground. Melody walked closer to Mark and sighed.

"Its just a cat, lets just go" Melody motioned for us to get back in the car. Mark looked up at her and huffed.

"Just a cat? How self-centered can you be, Melody " He said her name in so much annoyance and hatred. Honestly, I was in disbelief. Mark and Melody got into arguments a lot but this seemed like it was going in a different direction (ZAYN). Their normal arguments were really petty and stupid, so this is probably going to be their biggest argument, because it was actually something to argue about. I couldn't help but agree with Mark a little, Melody is self centered, but we are friends because of her personality, so we've dealt with Melody when she thinks like this.

"Mark, stop. You ran over the cat not me" Melody argued. My mouth was slightly agape while I watched the scene in front of me unfold. Melody had never acted like this so I was baffled at how she talked to Mark. I felt somebody behind me pull on my arm. I looked behind me in curiosity and found Rue shaking her head at Melody and Mark arguing.

"I think we should go in the car, lets just give the some time" I found myself nodding at Rue and walking towards the empty car. I heard the bickers of Mark and Melody slowly fade as we got closer to the car. Rue held the car door open for me and I got into the car with this feeling that was hard to shrug off my shoulders. I didn't notice Rue enter the car until the car door slammed shut, making me jump up in my seat in fright. Rue slightly giggled and looked at me.

"You're doing that thing" Rue pointed out. Rue was looking at my finger that I had entangled in my hair. I have this habit that I do when I'm nervous which is twirl my hair a lot, I didn't notice that I did that a lot until Rue has pointed out my habit several times.

"Oh" I say and I swiftly remove my finger from my hair and put it on my lap. I blushed and searched for my phone in my pocket to take away time.

"Ara" Rue says my name causing me to stop searching for my phone. I face Rue completely and crease my eyebrows in curiosity.

"Yes-" I got cut off by the feeling of Rue's lips on mine. I tensed at the feeling of her soft lips crashing onto mines roughly.

By instinct, I kissed back with just as more intensity. The second I kissed back, Rue's hand held onto my cheek while pinning me down to the car seat. Rue's teeth slowly grazed against my bottom lip.

I brought my hands up to her pink cheeks. Rue's lips left mine making me frown and whimper, at the loss of touch. Rue's mouth was slightly agape and she brought her hand up to my lips and swiped her thumb across my bottom lip.

I bit my lip in impatience, I wanted to continue what we were doing so I quickly pushed Rue softly onto the car seat so now I was on top of her. Rue's mouth was hung open in shock as I quickly grazed my teeth across her bottom lip. I felt Rue shiver in pleasure against my body.

The air around us had thickened and the only thing I was focused on was Rue's body against mine, So focused on pleasuring her. Our lips molded together perfectly, I loved it.

Rue's hand was entangled in my hair tugging at the roots. I broke away from the kiss instantly regretting it but i needed to breath. I looked down at Rues body inches under mine and noticed everything. I noticed how the sun shone on her face making her bright brown eyes even more beautiful to me her plump lips had turned into a darker shade of pink from our heated make out session.

A wave of possession flushed over me and I couldn't think of her with anybody else. I could only see her with me. My eyes looked down at her body in admiration, my eyes stopped at her collarbone and my lips swiftly met her collarbone, giving it a soft kiss before giving it a butterfly kiss. I began sucking on her collarbone hoping to give her a hickey. I heard soft whimpers come from Rue and I swooned.

I stopped to look at Rue. She was biting down on her lips with her eyes squeezed shut. I smiled softly when she opened her eyes and looked at me. She returned the smile, but through the windows I heard Melody's voice come closer and closer towards the car, The more we heard her voice coming the worst my anxiety became.

I quickly got up off of Rue and brushed my hair with my fingers so I could look like I didn't just make out with my best friend. I saw Rue at the corner of my eye mirroring my actions. Through the window I saw Melody yelling at Mark while walking backwards towards the car door. The passenger's car door opened and the temperature suddenly became frigid, and this strange feeling remained in the air making me become tense. The car door slammed shut making the car vibrate.

"He is absolutely unbelievable" Melody argued with her self. Me and Rue didn't respond because we were thinking about what just happened. Why did Rue kiss me? were one of the unanswered questions swarming in my mind right now, and why did I kiss her back? I guess it was just the heat of the moment but, why did I become possessive?

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