Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I was finally safe. The man had taken me back to the thorn room and retold me the story that I had forgotten. That I was a thorn beholder and that he was the thorn protector. After he told me that, he explained that the roses had winded themselves into the walls and grown into the room last night and taken me hostage. They stuck a needle in me so that I would forget everything that had happened these past few days, and then they left me lying there in the park. Then Beccy came out and described her part of the story too. “We tried to find you everywhere, but we couldn’t find you and when we saw you hugging Grace, we thought that you were doomed, but your fine!” I was completely filled on everything, except for the man’s name, but anyway, I’ll just call him sir!

Today, a boy around my age arrived at the thorn room. By the way, the thorn room is hidden in a forest and on the outside is a giant thorn bush. Anyway, the boy had brown hair that was flicked to the side across his eyes. He came with two girls. Soon, I found out that he was called Chase and the girls were called Mia and Lara. The man went off to the other side of the room with Chase and Lara, to interview her or something like that. So Mia walked over to me and Beccy. Mia was really pretty. She had dirty blonde hair down to her shoulders and stormy grey eyes that went perfectly with her hair. “Hi, I really have no idea why I’m here, in a room of thorns, but anyway.” She said, hinting that she wanted an explanation. “Don’t worry we’ve both been through this too” said Beccy and I added “But they will explain it to you.” “Ok” she said. Then Lara walked over to us telling Mia that she had to have her explanation now. While Mia was walking over to the man and Chase, Lara burst out talking, she had obviously had her explanation. “Hey guys, I’m pumped for the testing, but they have to tell Mia about it first but yeah, it’s so cool that we are all special and can heel ourselves by stepping on thorns!” I didn’t like her, she had a really big mouth and was an annoying chatterbox, but anyway, I think that I was stuck with her. Then Mia walked over with the man and Chase with a smile on her face “This is awesome!” she said with glee.

Mia and Lara were told to take their shoes off so they did, like me they were obviously a bit scared of the man. They both had confused looks on their faces, then Mia had a surprised one as she walked around the room, not feeling a thing. “For some reason, it makes me feel better!” she said. “That’s your power!” said the Chase. So Lara stood up, hoping that she wouldn’t feel a thing either. “OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW” she yelped in pain and fell over onto the floor, clutching her foot. “It is determined” said the man in a grave voice “Mia is one of us, as Lara is one of them.” Chase walked over to Lara and walked out of the room. A few minutes later he returned “I said sorry and I told her that she was special, but not in our way!” he said to man. “Good job son.” I was so excited about what was going to happen next, now I had Mia and Beccy. What thing more fantastic could possibly happen?!

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