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{Listen to Fix A Heart by Demi Lovato//Never Be Alone by Shawn Mendes while reading this chapter}

Ethan's POV

It's been exactly 2 weeks, the amount i promised Rachel.

I'm going to tell her today that it's time to expose the real Melissa.

Rachel's POV

i can't take the pressure anymore.

Melissa and pretty much everyone at school hates me.

The only friend i have is Ethan.

I'm sick and tired of being treated like trash, even by my mom recently.

Maybe it's just time to end it all, end my life for the better.

It would probably relieve a lot of people.

I began to write my goodbye letters.



and Ethan


Thank you for supporting me through everything. I'm sorry but i had to do this. I can't take living like this. Everyone always said "it gets better" but for me, it hasn't. I don't know how much longer i can wait, so i might as well go now. You've given me one of the best gifts, life. And I'm so grateful. Even when dad left us, we were strong. I know you tried helping me, but it's not your fault. Please remember that. I love you so much.

-Rachel <3


I wasn't going to write you a letter at first, but then I realized something. I never knew why you treated me the way you did, but i guess what i want to say is thank you. Because of you i learned to be strong. I learned to face my fears and be a better person for myself. I hope one day you become a better person and treat others better. Or at least i hope you realize what you do to other people and how much damage you cause to other people's lives. I have faith that one day, you'll become a better person.



I took a deep breathe as i was getting ready to write the last letter.


This is the hardest letter I have to write. I promise you I'll be ok wherever I end up after i die. You've been with me through everything, and i can't be any more thankful. You never deserved any of the hate, and you only got it because of me. You deserve a life full of happiness, and i hope that when i leave this earth, that is what you'll get. I love you, and not as a friend. I knew you liked me at one point, but i didn't know how to tell you that i felt the same way. I also didn't want to ruin what we had. You have been my best friend since i can remember. Ethan, you will always have a special place in my heart. Please enjoy the world as much as you can. Don't worry about me, because i'm at peace now.

Love you forever,

Rachel <3

Now that i got that over with, i got ready to take the pills.

I laid the letters down by the sink.

I didn't want to die painfully, so pills were the easiest way out.

I grabbed about 20 pills and drank them all one by one.

I then realized I still have the necklace with the camera in it.

I flipped it over so that you could see half of my face.

"Ethan, I'm sorry."

My voice cracked and suddenly my eyes got very heavy.

I laid down on my bathroom floor as a few tears ran down my face.

I took one last breath and closed my eyes.

I guess this is the end.

Damaged//Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now