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****This is the last chapter

{Listen to Ridin Solo by Hippie Sabotage//Gold by Kiiara//1965 by Zella Day//Revival by Selena Gomez//No Faith In Brooklyn by Hoodie Allen}

Rachel's POV

Well? What can I say?

High school, I somehow managed to survive.

And that was only because I had him there to help me.

After I left the hospital, I continued on with my regular life.

Melissa got expelled and had to go to therapy.

I also went to therapy for about 7 months.

No one at school really talked about what happened, but I did make a lot of new friends who told me they went through the same thing.

They told me how "brave" i was to actually film Mel in the act.

I wasn't brave. If anything I was a coward. I tried to kill myself and that's that.

I can't go back and fix things. Honestly if I could, i probably wouldn't.

Doing what I did made me realize that I'm not the only one that goes through things.

It's ok to fall in life, as long as you try your hardest to pick yourself up.

I didn't pick myself up, I had to be picked up.

Luckily, someone I truly loved managed to pick me up.

I was damaged, but yet somehow, someway, he managed to fix me.

We graduated together, hand in hand.

I chose to go to NYU because i had to get away from this boring town.

Ethan decided to go to Columbia, which is coincidentally 30 minutes from my school.

Junior year we decided to get an apartment together since we loved New York and planned to stay there for a bit.

Oh yeah i forgot, something pretty exciting happened to me.

After high school, I landed my first modeling job.

I've always been passionate about modeling, but was always worried about my appearance or just too shy.

I finally stepped out of my shell, and auditioned for a few brands.

That's also part of the reason I chose a school in New York.

There's so many opportunities here that I couldn't pass up.

I wanted to pursue modeling, and if that didn't work out, maybe psychology.

Ethan went towards engineering, and I thought that was a great choice for him.

We were both very happy here, until one day graduation came.

Graduation day, a day I'll never forget.

The day Ethan proposed to me.

I obviously said yes.

My parents were surprisingly ok with it, since we were only 22.

They knew I loved him and that he loved me, so they trusted us.

We were engaged for about 5 months, until finally deciding on just running away to get married.

Ethan found a small chapel somewhere downtown and that's what happened.

About 6 months later, my modeling job's got smaller, and I found out I was pregnant.

Ethan was honestly more excited than I was.

Mainly because of all the cramps and morning sickness.

Finally, 9 months later, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

We had kept the gender a secret and I bet Ethan $20 that it would be a boy, so I had to pay him.

It took a while for us to choose a name, until Ethan suggested Brooklyn.

I fell in love with it, and her name ended up being Brooklyn Marie Dolan.

And that brings us to present day.

Ethan, Brooklyn and I are all living in a small house on the Upper West Side.

She is now 4 years old.

My parents love Brooklyn and say she looks more like Ethan than me.

She is my little ray of sunshine.

Because of her I decided to go back to my old dream of psychology.

I hope that no one hurts her the way I was.

No one deserves to go through what I did or think the thoughts I did.

That was the worst time in my life, but now I'm able to forget all the bad things that once happened because of the wonderful, new things.

and I couldn't be happier.

After I tucked Brooklyn in, I crawled into our bed, which contained a lightly snoring Ethan.

I quietly climbed under the sheets and kissed his cheek.

"Goodnight Eth." I whispered

"Goodnight Rach." he said as he pulled me closer to him.



Well this is the end.

Sorry the ending is bad. I've just gotten lazy and wanted to finish it, instead of letting you hang.

I don't even know if this story made sense, but I hope you liked it.

-@xoxdolan on twitter


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