Dinner(AU)- Eliza/Angelica/Alexander

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My Dearest, Angelica,
I would love you have you over for dinner this Saturday night. The dinner will start at 7:05 and end at 8:00. I will be serving Spaghetti with meatballs at the dinner.  You may bring your sister Peggy and Eliza if you want. I hope to see you there
Alexander Hamilton

Angelica's POV
I can't believe this! My crush, Alexander Hamilton just invited me to dinner! I decide to go to Eliza's house and tell her the great news. The only bad thing about that is that she loves him, as do I. I got up to the door, wipe the dirt off of my dress, then I knock on the door.

Eliza's POV
I was doing laundry when I heard a knock on the door, of course, I go and answer it. I opened it and was surprised to see that it was my sister Angelica. I see a letter and I asked a question.
"Hey Angelica! What are you doing here?" I asked as I let her in my living room
Angelica sat on the couch and pulled the letter out.
"I got a letter from Alexander. He asked if I would like to attend dinner on Saturday." Angelica said happily
After she said that, I frowned and looked down at the ground
"Oh and also," She said, then I looked up
"He said I could bring you and Peggy, but I'm not going to bring her." Angelica said
Why wouldn't Angelica bring Peggy? I was going to ask, but I decided not to ask, I didn't want to know. I could only think that the guy I love, well, he might not love me. That makes sense though, when Angelica and Alexander are out together in public, people think that they are a couple. As for Alexander and me, they think we are just friends. I am going to go to the dinner and pull Alexander out and talk to him about it, I have many questions, but not many answers.
It was Saturday, and I got all dressed and ready to go, I got my favorite blue dress, I pulled two strands of hair from the front of my head and pinned them back, I was ready. I got to Alexander's house and saw Angelica's hand touching Alexander's, they weren't holding hands, but they were touching. They were talking and laughing, my heart dropped, my face turned to a frown. I faked a smile and knocked on the door. Alexander got to the door,
"Why, hello Eliza!" He said happily
"It's nice to see your face." He said smiling
"It's nice to see you Alexander, is my sister here already?" I asked, already knowing the answer
"Why yes, she is here, we were just talking until you arrived." He said opening the door to let me in
I went in and Angelica saw me, she got up and hugged me, but whispered something.
"That boy is mine, not yours, mine." She whispered loud enough for only her and me to hear
I suddenly gulped then I backed up, put on a fake smile, then sat down at the table. Alexander came back a couple minutes later with the spaghetti and meatballs, my favorite. When I got it, we all said grace, then we ate. I ate mine slowly so that way I won't over eat. Alexander started to have some small talk.
"So, how have you been?" He asked
"Oh, I've been good, Peggy and I are looking into colleges." I said after wiping spaghetti sauce off my lips
"That's great!" He said to me
"What about you?" He asked Angelica
"Oh, well, nothing much, I'm almost done with college." Angelica said sounding proud
"That's great! When do you graduate?" He asked, not paying attention to me
"Oh, and I'm majoring in English Writing! Aren't you a writer?" She asked, knowing the answer
"Why yes, yes I do. I love writing, it's my favorite thing to do." He said smiling at Angelica
"Just excuse me for one moment." I said before I left and went to the kitchen
I was furious with her, trying to take him away from me by impressing him? I started softly crying, hoping they wouldn't hear me, but as luck would have it, someone did. I turned around only to see, Alexander. I had no words, he saw me crying and he held me, I didn't object to this, in fact, I wanted it to last forever. I let him hold me, but I was looking down.
"Eliza." He brought my chin up
"Why are you crying? I hate seeing you cry." He said wiping my tears
"It's nothing." I turned away
He brought my chin to look at him, I was staring into the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.
"I know when you're lying Eliza." He said
I took a deep breath,
"Fine, you want to know the truth?" I asked, he then nodded
"I love you, alright? My sister also does, she loves you Alexander, and I can't compete with her." I said turning around
"Why would she invite you then?" He asked
I turned around fast,
"So she can make me look bad in front of you." I said looking down at the ground
He brought my chin up,
"Look, there's one problem with your theory." He said staring into my eyes
"What?" I asked
"The problem... I love you." He said
"What?" I asked
I then felt a soft pair of of lips on mine, I didn't object. I liked this moment better than the hug. I didn't want to do anything that would mess this up, Alexander chose me, Eliza Schuyler, and not Angelica Schuyler.

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