ah, I got tagged :p

119 13 11

AngelGirl116 tagged me to list 13 facts about myself...

Soooo, here we go I guess?

1. I get sick way too often

2. I'm allergic to cats, horses, and pineapples

3. I procrastinate way too much

4. I bark. And screech. Also meow.

5. I have waaayyy too many story ideas

6. It takes me a long time to fall asleep because my brain just woNT SHUT UP

7. I literally have only one straight ship. All my ships are gay. I don't think I even have any lesbian ships.

8. I'm one of those people who just wants to watch the world burn.

9. Sometimes i'll start a drawing, then lose my inspiration halfway and abandon the drawing

10. I'm horrible at putting my story ideas on paper (I can never find the right words...)

11. I'm incredibly awkward, then there's my family...

12. I can't remember anything from when I was 7 and younger. (seriously.)

13. I have a horrible memory


Idk who to tag except Kreiigon, so you peasants are spared today.

K bye

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